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Old 30-03-2007, 16:21   #1
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With Rik and Paal talking about jobs in their life thread, I figured I'd start one and try to fish for some job luck []

So I'll make this short for further reference: I'm a drop-out math graduate, figured after a year of research that it wasn't my world at all - I wouldn't have the seriousness it takes if my life depended on it. However, over the year there (McGill Univ, Montreal) I did some college teaching (in our school system, that means diff/integral calculus, vectors/matrices, basic engineering calculus and intro to simple differential equations; 14ish grade ±1) and I had a real blast doing it.

So I'm back in my good old Quebec City's Laval university getting a college teaching certificate. Job fishing in Montreal didn't really go well because all their colleges require a master's degree and experience, and then they will only give you part-time replacement jobs for years. I didn't like Montreal enough to go for that. Hopefully I can find myself a nice quiet place to settle down with a permanent job in the years to come.

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San Diego Wild Animal Park
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Old 30-03-2007, 16:28   #2
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Now enough with the melodrama.

When I came back from Montreal my brother dared me to grow a Hulk Hogan 1988 royal rumble type of moustache. Short of anything better to wage, he promised me his respect.


I STILL do not have his respect, though.

On an unrelated note, yesterday I took my year's first bike ride to the sugar shack. 46km total, loaded with the beer (going) and full with the beer (coming back) took me 3 hours, so this is nowhere near the kind of times I want to pull on my trip to Florida, but it shows hope.

I also hit a parked car while checking up on my gears and brakes before leaving my place. I have a nearly fist large bruise on my chest, it's really funny.
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Old 30-03-2007, 18:28   #3
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Ah McGill. Did you know that they are the #1 school for Space Law? And yes there really is such a discipline . Its actually kind of interesting.

Teaching is alright if you can get the students involved a bit. Ive been teaching a juco Criminal Justice class the last couple of semesters. It can be frustrating at times though. I have reiterated what a grand jury is and does 8 times, and they still have no clue .
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Old 30-03-2007, 20:36   #4
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quote:Originally posted by Beorn

I didn't like Montreal enough to go for that.
Not enough ADQ to your liking?

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Old 31-03-2007, 00:22   #5
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I like the minority government - these make the best clean-up crews - and I'm glad for Dumont, but I'd wish it was much bluer around here ...

Teaching is really sweet when you participate in it. When you keep by the books it becomes sterile and tedious really quickly, and to not blurt it out mechanically it needs more motivation, time and efforts than most teachers care for. During the fall semester, even though I took classes of my own, the only thing I could think about was how I'd present the next lecture I'd give - and that's motivation for you.
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Old 02-09-2007, 14:54   #6
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I stumbled upon this in the news:

A polar bear has decided that it liked the heat of North West Territories. Heat as in 15°C during the summer, -50°C in the winter. It's much warmer than the arctic ocean's coast, still. Makes you wonder what brought her there. Maybe menopause.

Anyways the summer is coming to an end and despite the hayfever, it feels much better now that it's windy in the day and cold at night. I passed the 1900 km mark and will probably hit 2000 next week-end for the annual (65km + 40km round trip getting there) ride with the math dpt around the Orléans Island. Hopefully I can double that, next summer, if I can keep away from injury. I just might reach 3000 this year - I definitely will beat 2500. Last year I did 1500 but I wasn't half as well geared up, and I had a car for most of the average-long runs I do on bike now.

So I'll be having an internship at a local college and I like the mentor teacher they paired me with. Simple, genuine, raw and most of all he loves his job. One thing he told me, which I found really interesting and to which more people here will relate than the math and the biking, is that there were once (years ago, in the US) serious recommendations from (at least one, probably among others) a university sociology study to reform the university professor recruiting and teaching system.

While the core of researchers that essentially form the current university professorate (sp, ww?), there could be 2 other classes of professors, namely scholars and educators. All 3 would do a little bit of lower, higher teaching and research, but they'd have distinctions in tasks.
Educators would be Ph.D's in their discipline with the desire to teach. They would handle most, if not all, undergraduate courses and study projects. They'd be in charge of program committees and student activities.
Scholars would act as an in-between class, ideally being low-profile researchers with varied interests and good networking. They would give most high-level graduate seminars and be able to participate in both undergrad teaching and graduate research. In a word, they would consolidate the gap between educators and researchers, giving graduate seminars as much for educators as for the grad pupils.

This all would leave plenty of room for researching professors to do what they are in a university to do: research and development.

Now, a lot of current professors wouldn't see themselves as a clear-cut example of either one - some researchers would see scholar status as a downgrade, or some others wouldn't give up teaching to keep researching. Anyways, the pool of professors required as educators and scholars is actually limited, once some wear that hat and spend their work time in classrooms giving and attending seminars. This system is far from perfect; especially from a researcher's point of view, but from a student's perspective it would greatly decrease the mind-boggle associated with climbing the ropes of a department through hostile professors who don't want to bother teaching and zealous researchers who don't think your development as a student/researcher is worth their research time.

I do think that it makes sense for departments to just open their minds to subclasses of professors that aren't meant to be prime researchers but rather educators or consolidating scholars would benefit everyone. It does happen, but in the Uni's I've seen in Canada, it's far from the norm.
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Old 02-09-2007, 20:59   #7
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I need help with this one, the Idaho senator and his gay scandal thing:

Is the scandal because:
- he is a gay republican?
- he is a gay senator?
- he is a gay american?
- he denies being gay despite being 'proven' so?
- he made advances to a cop?
- he made advances to another male, at all?
- he is a gay rights basher that made gay advances?

If it was just for me, I'd say the scandal was that a cop was following him, undercover, in hopes of teasing him enough to receive gay advances. But that wouldn't make him resign would it.
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Old 02-09-2007, 21:11   #8
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Yes, the scandal is that he's a republican that does not support gay marriage, but pleaded guilty to seeking lewd behavior (with a man) in a public restroom. Hypocritical, absolutely. Strikes down the whole Republican stance against gay marriage? Absolutely not. One bad apple does not represent every other apple.

Gay senator....wouldn't be a scandal I think, except that he's a republican. Gay american....nothing scandelous there as there are millions of them. Denying being gay....yeah, he's an idiot. He was caught red handed. Remember, if he were a Democrat he'd have a wonderful chance of being reelected over and over and possibly being the chairman of a rather important Senate subcommittee. Not an asinine statement btw, there are several democrat senators/congressman currently that prove this.
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Old 02-09-2007, 21:22   #9
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I thought he had a good chance of beating the rap. He didnt do anything tremendously overt:

"My experience has shown that individuals engaging in lewd conduct use their bags to block the view from the front of their stall," the officer said in his report.

The senator then tapped his right foot, "a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct," Karsnia wrote, and Craig ran his left hand several times underneath the partition dividing the stalls.

"The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot, which was within my stall area," the officer's report said.

When the police interviewed him later, the senator said that "he has a wide stance when going to the bathroom" and that was why his foot may have touched the officer's, the report said.

Craig also told police that he had reached down to the floor to pick up a piece of paper, the officer wrote.

"It should be noted that there was not a piece of paper on the bathroom floor, nor did Craig pick up a piece of paper," Karsnia wrote.

"During the interview, Craig either disagreed with me or 'didn't recall' the events as they happened."

After Craig ran his hand underneath the partition wall three times, Karsnia held his police identification down by the floor so the senator could see it, the report said.

"With my left hand near the floor, I pointed towards the exit. Craig responded, 'No!'

"I again pointed towards the exit. Craig exited the stall with his roller bags without flushing the toilet," Karsnia wrote.

The senator initially resisted the officer's request to go to the police operations center, he said, but finally did. There, he was read his Miranda rights, interviewed, photographed, fingerprinted and released, the report said.
He didnt hire a lawyer (dumb), he interviewed with the police (dumb), and then plead guilty without even a hearing (dumb)? I dont know gay bathroom stall protocol, but it would be pretty easy to attack the officer on his "experience" in this kind of thing and get it bounced either in a hearing or in front of a jury.
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Old 02-09-2007, 21:24   #10
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So Craig is just an idiot in your opion, one which I'll echo. Although I'm not striking down the possibility of this guy being bi, but will save that full judgment for someone else. Maybe Tubby can help us out with the gay protocol thing?
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