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Old 17-10-2006, 21:36   #1
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Default Spoiler: Woa vs KillerCane part2

We started another game, the map again is made by RikMeleet. We again have each our own island, approximately the same size as last game. The map however is now Large instead of standard, this should increase the search factor and it increases tech cost so that we won't have automatic 4 turn research anymore.

Furthermore, we have attempted to alter the tech advantage for the player who is backwards. Just following the other player for cheap research is too easy. Therefore we are not in locked war so that in the beginning we don't have contact and no tech advantage. To solve the War heapiness thing, WW is removed all together. For when we have met, 6 AI are added. These AI are not reachable by us and they have no space to do anything. This will reduce the research bonus after we meet.

Philosophy free tech is removed.
There is no ivory so no SOZ.
Barbs are strengthened. warriors are legions, horses are ancient cavalry and galleys are dromons. There also are some barbarian privateers around.
Scientific leaders are disabled.
I think there are no goody huts, but i am not sure.

Appropriately, i am the Netherlands and KC is america. We both got to choose 3 techs and our UU, but aggri is excluded. I have chosen. Commercial, Industrial and Scientific. The first 2 are easy choises. For scientific i have been in doubt a little as seafaring gives a nice strategic advantage in naval warfar. My unique unit is the Man-o-War. Berserks are excluded because they could be overpowered. I didn't really see a very usefull UU, i chose man-o-war because it can rule the seas against other MA vessels and it can stand against Ironclads. This way i will not have to research Ironclads wich is an optional tech and i won't be behind on KC if he chooses to go for a strong navy and/or if he chooses MoW as well.

I now go to the supermarket before it closes. I will update with pictures within a few hour max.

This was the start position. We played the first 16 turns by MSN, so i did not use time to think. That has lead me to make some mistakes. I start by settling in place. I could or should have send workers out first, but oh well. Click and turn one was done. After settling, i see the wheat, since my capital will use the wheat, i send my other settler not in the direction of the wheat.


Unfortunately, it finds a lot of desert. Oh well, there is 1 flood plain, an oasis and it will get to use some other reasonable tiles. I start cutting a forest for my capital only to notice that i don't have any wonder builds to guide it there just after i make the choise to cut it. This leads me to decide for a granary in the other city as well.

And so we get to turn 16 where we are now. I see another cow, so adhering to the food per turn principle, that is where the next city will be.


I first chose to start with the cheapest tech available. It doesn't seem like i really need any special tech soon, so i didn't think it matters a lot.

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Old 17-10-2006, 21:53   #2
Rik Meleet
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War weariness cannot be removed.
No goody huts.
Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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Old 17-10-2006, 22:07   #3
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quote:Originally posted by Rik Meleet

War weariness cannot be removed.
No goody huts.
So war happines isn't removed either ?
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Old 18-10-2006, 00:19   #4
Rik Meleet
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You had the choice between
"No contact and thus no knowledge of what the other is doing tech wise and no cost reduction in techs until we meet, but that means someone will get war happyness"
"Contact from the beginning, so noone gets warhappyness, but that means seeing the techs the other researches and get a reduction on techs that the other has"
You chose the first option, so that means that you 2 are not in war and that means that the one who is declaring war later in the game is gifting the other war happyness.
Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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Old 18-10-2006, 19:31   #5
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Turn 21. Not much happened, but disaster struck. Just when you forgot it even exists in civ3, it happens on turn 20 in a pbem. I lost 17% of my 6 population to disease

I think my chances of winning are drastically reduced now.
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Old 19-10-2006, 18:11   #6
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didnt that happen in your last game and you won? or am i thinking of someone elses spoiler
the sooner you fall behind, the more time you\'ll have to catch up!

CDZ Cup Champion!!!
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