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Old 10-10-2003, 20:04   #51
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turn 251:

bombard road/rails off tile 1S 1SE of bayanhongor with 2 destroyers and a bomber, so begins operation mountain creep...

operation mountain creep

The purpose of removing those rails; to isolate the pink dot tile from arty or tanks... I now put a settler and 6 infantry (- why 6? because the only units he can reach me with here are cav, and he only has 5 ) on the pink dot, when I found next turn this will give me posession of the mountain (red dot - with workers ready to road it and 50 infantry to protect them, to attack them he will also have to expose tanks to a counter attack)

Once on the red dot mountain I can bombard bayanhongor from my own territory and reduce a 3rd core city of dan's to rubble. He won't like that one little bit! I disband santiago (the ruins) so as to comply with the no settler creep rule we have. (I'll found the pink dot city next turn.)

bombard road/rails off tile 1E tosontogel with 2 arty

bombard stack on mount 1E of B-Urt with 70 arty;

misses: 20

inf army 1hp: 8
2hp: 2

tank armies 1hp: 7
2hp: 5

vet inf 1hp: 19
2hp: 9

turn 252:

dan proposes peace I guess the thought of losing a 3rd core city was just too much for him!

The peace negotiations go a lot easier this time - I am still pretty stubborn but more for appearances than anything else... I am pretty confident that peace will benefit me greatly.

we agree peace until turn 279, ending on my turn (27 turns)
no MPP's or MA's against eachother until 280, ending on anarres turn (28 turns)

MA's vs AI are okay, as are RoP's

no settling new cities on our border - except the immediate refounding of santiago which was disbanded last turn to do a settler creep manouvere.

we can both work all tiles up to the border.

no tresspassing!
here's a log of the peace negotiations:[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] chatlog 252.txt

I sign a RoP with china and move units to block dan from attacking chinese territory.

I go into anarchy, oh, and thanks to Sky for checking out whether I would get WW when I changed from commie He played through a couple of turns for us to settle the question definitively as peace was pointless for me unless I knew I wouldn't suffer from it!

turn 253:

enter into Republic. wow... it feels good to have research back! still... I kinda miss the production in my shitty cities, but no question that I am a LOT better off!

I take out lizzie in a nasty RoP rape manouvere her handful of infantry stand no chnace against 90 tanks and 70 arty parked next to her cities. I make sure I finish the job in one turn, there will be no gifting of cities by anarres this time.

I took some photos of lizzies demise;




turn 255:

I will research computers in 3 turns... and then it's a beeline for MA I guess... hmm....

here's the current minimap:

although I reckon anarres must have a lead on tech from me being commie I think I will now outpace him, how long it will take me to catch up I don't know... so many options... he could have gone straight for MA, or fission for UN, or even comps for MI, dam this game is close!!
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Old 14-10-2003, 23:39   #52
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turn 258:

research computers! I set to rocketry on 1 scientist to get some gold quick for inf upgrades, I want mech inf protecting me when I blitz china! I then trade it with the chinese for amphib... assuming dan will be at war with them for a couple of turns yet - when I will then destroy them - he won't be able to get his grubby hands on it. I then notice dan has made peace with the chinese if he has another modern tech he can trade it and get comps shit...

turn 259:

anarres has built seti!! he still has a leader too... fucking pre-building bastard!

He must have got computers the turn before me - if I am just 1 turn behind in research then commie didn't hurt me as bad as I thought, unless he has got two techs ahead by now, hmm....

I upgrade 66 inf to mech inf with my cashpile.

China is building the UN... hehe, nice of them to research Fission for me just in time for me to kick the crap out of them too.

turn 260:

Time to get nasty with mao, I destroy his core in one swift go - RoP rape is just plain evil. I get a leader pretty quick and turn it into an army. Hopefully there will be another before china is gone.

beijing is a real trophy city... Bachs, Sistines and Shakespeare's!! Nice for a religious civ My happiness goes up by 4 faces throughout my core, and 2 even in the shitty cities. And finally a use for Shakespeare's... keeping conquered pop happy

the chinese counterattack is pitiful... cavs attacking mech. oh, and a fleet of annoying ironclads bombarding my improvements.

turn 261:

most of my tanks are put into cities to heal. With my arty stacks and 30 healthy tanks I take the next 3 biggest chinese cities and get another leader. Next 2 turns I will be able to finish them off, it would be 1 turn but I just can't reach all of their cities in 1 go

Jack suggested I go for tac-nukes and the more I think about it the more I like it Only problem is research time.
Hmm... we have 18 turns of peace left and I am 6 turns from rocketry at -40gpt with 250gold (I have built research labs in my core now). If my reckoning by tech calc is right I could then get space flight in 10 just breaking even - but my unit costs are going up every turn, it will be very very tight to actually get any nukes built in time for my first strike. So I have a brainwave... Negative Cashflow!! A nasty exploit I have never used but it might just do the trick here! I set research to 100% and turn all my taxmen into scientists, I can get rockets in 3 I will lose a building and a mil unit per turn but it's a cheap price to pay... wow, I can forsee a nuclear holocaust

turn 262:

nanking flips, reg rifle defends... I have mech inf and tanks parked outside every chinese city for this eventuality.

I painstakingly take almost all of china, just 3 cities left now.

turn 263:

hmm... I lose a Cathedral this turn from my neg cashflow. I thought it would always be a cheap building, but no matter.

take china down to one city, bombard it until it's size1 and all defenders redlined, he still won't talk to me. Mao cannot die until I have extorted Fission from him

turn 264:

I research Rocketry Space Flight in 5. Thankfully anarres hasn't got rockets yet, hmm... I wonder what he's up to.

finally Mao will talk... he refuses to give me Fission though I have taken his entire empire and can snuff him out with a flick of my finger but no! ahh... I have to not only trade him rocketry but throw in 200gpt as part of the peace deal in order to extract the secret of the atom from him Before the ink is even dry on the treaty the chinese have ceased to be an issue

turn 265:

I notice in F3 that anarres has disbanded a shitload of his arty ... hmm... he must be using them to dump shields into production. I think he's disbanded some infantry too. Although I think arty is pretty useful I realise I have a bunch of conscript inf standing about doing sweet fa, so I disband them into builds for research labs in some semi-core cities and temples in the former chinese bloc. I want the temples to expand borders to see how close I can get to domination, it's further than I thought to dom because I hadn't figured the coasts into it properley but if I crack his frontline I should get dom before I have to take out his inner core.

turn 266:

the minimap:

and here's how our forces square up:

the marines and transports were for a planned takeout of the Celts but dan finished them off himself at some point.

anarres suggest in chat that we ban neg cashflow... hmm. well it's a bit late in the day for me... I tell him no!
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Old 15-10-2003, 18:42   #53
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Great to see the master getting caught at his own game
He's always complaining to me I " imposed" new rules WHILE the game was played in our 1v1...
Very glad to see he's doing it here *himself*
I think u r gonna win now...
My money's on you buster
<font color=\"brown\"> <b><i>\"NOT back from the dead\"</b></i>
</font id=\"brown\">
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Old 15-10-2003, 18:43   #54
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Old 16-10-2003, 01:16   #55
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turn 269:

I research spaceflight! Oooh... and look what I built the very same turn

Well I like how it's going right now But he could already have synthetic fibres (& ecology) and be about to get rockets... I just don't know. I do know he hasn't got Fission or Rocketry (or Space Flight obviously) yet, but he could still research a couple of techs and/or steal them from me and get nukes. Even if he does get nukes though I will have had them for at least a couple of turns before him and my stockpile will be bigger than his! And he can only reach my shitty side from the frontline whilst I can reach his core

The nuclear race is on! [10 turns till armageddon]
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Old 16-10-2003, 09:07   #56
Lt. Killer M
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remember: double-nuking a city kills all defenders you just need one lousy marine or paratrooper then. May be better than nukeing double the number of cities once.....
One more turn..... just one more turn... one MORE!
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Old 16-10-2003, 10:39   #57
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Hehe - negative cashflow can be a real winning manoevre. I won a few tournaments games that way - blazing through the research tree faster than anyone. One building / unit is a very small price to pay for 100% research all the time. It doesnt seem to be used very often but I like it.

If the building goes in an outlying city , it doesnt matter and if it goes in the core, your core cities can rebuild it if necessary straight away. Its handy having lots of old surplus units too just to decrease the chances of an important unit going. I was never able to figure out which building / unit would go next - but arties seemed to go before other units generally but not always.

The tough part is never having money for bribes etc - but now you're down to just you and Dan that doesnt matter - so it would be crazy to run anything other than negative cashflow now.
I can't be arsed.
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Old 16-10-2003, 11:08   #58
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Maybe you've also some plan for some sub, hehe...
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Old 16-10-2003, 17:48   #59
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Col - it's a lowdown dirty exploit but it is dam useful! Of course logically it would make more sense for the game to deduct in shields what you are in deficit by, and that would kill the exploit dead. strange that anarres would try and ban it so late in the game though... maybe he investigated a city of mine and saw what I was up to?

Just for Killer - the map showing the frontline reachable by nukes.

269 frontline
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Old 16-10-2003, 18:09   #60
Lt. Killer M
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I'd say double nuke and raze all his coastals, cut of the line Tseterleg-Ereen-Tours, then use normal troops to bombard and raze his border towns....

One more turn..... just one more turn... one MORE!
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