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Old 07-03-2004, 20:35   #31
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A LOT has happened over the last turns.

For starters, Sky is attacking the Koreans and for Ubersecurity has put the world, except the faithfull aztecs, up against them. You can check HIS spoiler for details (I think?).
So how are we doing?

My rep, fortunately, is not that hurt as I thought, they will not trade resources for gpt deals with me, but then again I have not many goods to sell have I?

The deals: I am in the Industrial Age!
I bought Physics from the French and then, when the 150gpt for banking deal was over, I traded 168 gpt for Magnetism. I sold That to egypt for ToG, with me handing a little extra cash (damn 41 gpt!!!).
Before all this however I bought Chemistry and Metalurgy from sky, for 40gpt and 250 cash. . This was almost half the price Joan wanted.
I am now looking for ways to get either Nationalism (mobilise!!) or MilTrad (cav). Neither is available for my depleted treasury just yet.
On the bright side, we are in the next age!

Also, the war goes well!


And Several turns later:


Oh yeah! That is the Capitol! Joan helped. a bit.
The Peninsula now holds a mere 4 Iroquois cities, and without resources, longbows are the best unit they can build.


As can be seen I had to capture two Iroquois cities. First, Grand river because it has Knights Templar, second is Alleghny, where there was no settler of mine. The French have an estimated 20 cav in the area but most are very wounded. they are pressing me hard for the control of the last Iroquois lands, but somehow they lack addequate reinforcements?


For the next turns, it is a battle for the last Iro cities, after that...well, I am not going to let my fine troops go to waste Joan d'Arc.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 07-03-2004, 20:39   #32
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Old 25-03-2004, 16:48   #33
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Time for an update. Again, a lot has happened as sky and me are entering the 1000AD's.

From the last update, I have taken allmost all Iroquois cities! Some had to go to France but I took the bigger ones, including Mauch Chunk and more importantly Niagra Falls!! netting me Magellans voyage, .
To confirm Aztec conquest of this wonder the town was renamed to: VIAGRA FALLS.


Several turns, and several flips later, the brave Egyptians destroyed the last Iroquois outpost for me, on an island far far away!


A Turn after this all France declares WAR on me in the interturn, grabbing 5 helpless cities and some 20 units. I was paying Joan over 380 gpt at that time, and gave her Saltpeter as well!! Unbelievable.
In big trouble I desperately tried to establish some sort of core to defend myself as Gigantic SoD's entered my lands.


As can be seen, I also have railroads now, so all cities are linked. In the north, my Knightarmy is pillaging Joans supplylines, so I estimate about 140 rifles and 30 cav in the area that used to belong to the Iroquois. However, though many rifles are vets, a large part of them are also conscript (about a third). The Good thing is, that first, Joan put all her Cav (I know now) on a mountain north of New Atzcapotzalco, and as you see, I killed them all with 40 canon and 37 cav, leaving 7 cav dead on my side.
Second, I have no rifles, but I do have cannon, and a lot too! Third, I gave joan Saltpeter before the war, and now I MA/Trade-embargoed the world against her, so no more cav for her!

Off course, Tonawanda flipped with many units and an army in it as well. At first I though 19 cav, but luckily I moved 12 off them away to city with rax just in time. No matter, we will go on.

It still sucks a bit. Sky is sweeping the otto's and koreans with Inf/tanks (), while I struggle to keep alive. For now it works, as more and more losses mount up on french side. On average I lose 3 units per turn and 2 in the interturn, while Joan loses about 20-40 units every turn. Adding to that, I have build factories in most cities now, and the IW in tenochtitlan (80 Spt!!):

My plan?
Well, sky will win, whether he wants space, diplo or domination, he will win. But I have bigger...uh...smaller fish to fry! I want Paris. period. I also want to be in the UN-vote, even when sky builds it and won't have a vote, I want to be in it. Therefor I need to get to 2nd place in population. The thing that will do that is: yes, French lands! Check the f11:


the minimap:


Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 25-03-2004, 16:55   #34
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I once held UN elections in a PBEM and there the other human player was also in the vote (my third game vs Jack Merchant). Despite the fact that he was 4th at best overall.
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Old 25-03-2004, 17:18   #35
anarchist butcher
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UN votes held by a player *always* have both humans in. Not sure about more than 2 humans or if the AI holds the vote.
<b>Calculate the probability of culture flips: Flip Calc</b>
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Old 11-04-2004, 11:36   #36
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The first World war!

Everyone is currently (1150 AD, turn 229) at war. The F4:


As can be seen, the Maya and the Aztecs are still the best friends in the world. . Sky is still very powerfull and has cleaned is Island! That is truely amazing. Unfortunately, he has a flip a turn and that means an occasional blue or orange spot shows up in his lands. Nothing horrible though, he manages to retake the towns with ease. Off course having loads of infantry helps him.
Enough about him, read his spoiler for that. There are also honorable wars going on.

The French are biting the dust!!! I am kicking their ass at an ever increasing pace. The balance turned my way after the destruction of two HUGE SoD's in turns 226 and 227. Over 50 (!!!) French rifles were destroyed at the loss of only 6 Aztec Cavalry! I now have 6 Cav Armies and over 60 Canons. I also have my 2 armies of Knights and one army of Muskets.
Techwise, I bought the Coorporation from the Koreans, which I sold to teh Egyptians for cash. I also noticed that Sky at that time did NOT have teh Coorporation, a bit weird as he claimed to be 1 turn away from Tanks at that moment.. He may have Electronics but he sure as hell is not close to Tanks!
I Used the coorporation to the fullest by building stocks in all major cities. The battle with the Sod's allowed me this as I could actually afford to not build military for a while. It raised my income to 888 gpt (350 goes to Techdeals, 100 goes to luxes, 50 goes to MA's vs the French) Also, I now have a huge number of small cities (size 2 to 5) and am planning to build a LOT more. I ( plan to ) Irrigate(d) all lands in the middle area and thus each small city (95% corrupt) has several tax collectors, giving me an ADDITIONAL 188+ Gpt and rising every turn! Dense city placement with these "new" c3c specialists is great!
The F1:


I also suffer from a total pathetic culture.[]. I have 1 to 3 flips a turn and only lady luck has prevented a flip to egypt. They were all to France!, and easily retaken.

The Pics:
First, the minimap of turn 229, 1150 AD


The core, the eastern part of my lands: Wall Street in 2!


The middle area, people complain about overcrowding and WAY too many taxcollectors.


The Western area, former Iroquois lands, I plan to densesettle this area within 30 turns (aprox 15 new cities). Also, my workers are almost done Railroading middle and east, so this is next, providing larger growth and thus more taxcollectors.
It is here that most flips take place, for example Tonawanda last turn, it has 1 iroquois, 2 Aztecs and ONLY ONE ****ING French Citizen in it.


As you expect, to the north of this alst Picture lies France. The Warzone looks like this:


there is a setler of mine with tha army south of Bayonne. It will settle next turn, allowing the approach to Bayonne itself. I will also move some canon to the hill near brest.
Amiens should fall next turn, as it will be bombarded by 40 canon (40% will hit, and they will always target Hitpoints). I plan to take the eastern part soon as it holds Coal and furs.

Also, one of my armies went deep into French lands a long time ago. It arrived at the gates of Paris!!!


Stupid Joan did NOT build a harbor in Paris, so the trade deal with the Evil Mayans ended after the last pillaging![]
With Nationalism in 9 turns (single scientist) I leave this spoiler, again, comments are welcome.

@ Aggie and Anarres, thanx about the UN info. Did not know humans were always included...

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 11-04-2004, 13:12   #37
anarchist butcher
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Looking great KR, but I didn't know Cannon only targets HP! []
<b>Calculate the probability of culture flips: Flip Calc</b>
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Old 15-04-2004, 10:09   #38
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Montereno claims Victory over French is inevitable!

The French SoD's have diminished! They seldom get to double diggits anymore!
As we speak Aztec forces hold the french Capitol of Paris hostage. No food and other goods are allowed into the city. The French Government , the Fascist Joan Itself, hostages of the Aztec cavalry.
In the rest of the lands, Aztec armies and Artillery are pounding the few remaining cties, while new settlers found new Aztec cities in conquered lands.



Dijon will fall next turn, 4 cav and one army attacking.
Chartres will fall next turn, 2 cav and one army attacking
On sid, the ai avergaes 3 to 4 defensive units in tundracities. I do not know if they used more units from these cities in attempts to defend other places of more importance.
Rheims has a stack of 40 canons north of it, to be joined by 2 armies next turn and already holding 15 cav. It will fall in two.
Tours is sceduled for 4 turns, leaving only three cities on this island: Paris, the capitol. Marseiles, holding SUNTZU's! and Orleans, PYRAMIDS!
I estimate 6 turns, for the capture of these 3!

The siege of Paris:


Paris stll holds a load of riffles. But not enough Joan!

The future,

Obviously, French overseas settlements will have to be conquered. Flips are still very very common and I plan to eliminate french existence as soon as possible.
However, we must look at a bigger picture. Techwise, only Skyfish is far ahead. All AI have Nationalism, Communism and Fascism. I will have Nationalism in one turn (ai will not trade for it, never). After that, I will have to do my research myself! The AI are just too slow in researching things and with Ottomans' and French existence not expected to continue long, this is the way to go. Sky already informed me he wants India and Egypt as well, and with these two already at war, I do not see them researching a lot right now.

Off course, there is a tiny problem....I seem to be a monrachy and I have yet to build my first Library!
Therefore I have ordered an emidiate stop to building of military units, and have ordered libs and uni's in every (semi-) productive city. Also, I have irrigated almost every square that is not on my the eastern part of teh empire, allowing tremendous growth in the many many cities there. I expect to have over 500 sciencebeakers per turn (using specialists!)there within 5 turns. With the pyramids in aztec possesion soon as well, we will grow very very fast.
I am naturally still behind sky, but he may not find out that I am doing research myself (forgive the single scientist). I have to nail in a 2fer with india/egypt! This game suddenly has some possibilities left! Sky may lead, but his conquered land is very unproductive compared to mine. And also, he will have to pay top price for all techs, while I can follow.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 28-04-2004, 12:13   #39
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Island Cleaned!

And that is just that! The Rampaging Aztec forces have cleaned their island of any non-aztec presence. We have captured the "great four" French cities that have dominated our lands culturaly for such a long time. Paris, Rheims, Marseilles and for years the worlds top city Orleans are NOW AZTEC! this pic is from 1140ad:


The void.

As we focussed om money and guns for practicly the entire game we feel the void of the completion of a task. Of course there are French settlements on islands but those are hardly a danger. The flips have become less frequent with Rennes (new cap) being so far away from the ever shrinking French towns in my possesion.
We have also engaged in a new way of diplomacy and that is the cold war with the Mayans. As Mayan forces are supperior in quality and they research things we cannot even start a min-run on,, we need a new plan.
Proclaimed in the last post, we already started building scientific buildings. Libs and Uni's are now a common sight in the core, and even under a monarchy I say research is decent. How come you say? well, in the year 1320AD the Aztec empire has 247 specialists! And increasing every turn, giving an ADDITIONAL 750 beakers a turn! This surely is a massive contribution!
Our F1:


Some facts:
-the 307 to other civs expires next turn
-the 61 from other civs expires in 9 turns.
-I have 554 "normal" science and 741 beakers from specialists. combined this is (damned hangover!!!) 1295 beakers, which I hope to get up to 1500 a.s.a.p.

An example of how 1 of the 110 cities look that do not belong to the 30 core (for 140 total)


The research:


Some facts and assumptions:

- India and France have Com and Fasc over me.
- Egypt has com, fasc, ref and scimeth over me.
- sky has all these, the radiotree and Steel and maybe espionage.

Naturaly steel is "the" tech to get for me. I am able to research most techs in about 8-9 turns. This seems very slow but it is pretty decent. techs are expensive on sid.


Well, 3 down, 4 to go.

The war: I am still fighting France, a little.


The minimap:


Sky tells me on MSN, with his usual 5% reliabilityfactor, that he plans to take on India. Well, I do not care. I tell him it sucks that egypt has Inf now, sinc ei was *just* about to attack them too. A lie, of course. This brings us to the earlier mentioned cold war:


I took this city from France and this is the northern tip of *his* island, so let it be known the Aztec presence on the other island was achieved in 1280 ad!
This infuriated sky (expected). Even more when I went for a look with the remaining two cav only to see that his cities are Empty. Being the backstabber I am...I MSN-ed him I took the cities, which sparked some very nice reactions (all the way up to nukes). Naturaly I did nothing but look, took no cities, and even abandonned the former French city.
Sky, still not amused, instabuild a new city there... in honor of me!


I followed this by also naming soem of my cities after him near his dirty little curragh:


For the future I will found more and more cities and more and more "whitecoats" will be seen on the streets o my empire. The way to go now is to research and to catch up to sky. I must keep him away from domination and as long as I do that, I am fine.

Any Questions/comments/tips, always a pleasure.

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 10-05-2004, 12:37   #40
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Recent events have led me to decide the game is over.

On summary, I had a great game but I just cannot continue.

At least I got 4777 points on Sid!
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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