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Old 08-10-2007, 21:34   #11
Kingreno's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2003
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First off: do not worry Beorn. It does change the game as we both play on the same level so the battle remains!

I Met Tubby (and Brennus) on turn 74:


My curragh met no other curraghs so Tubby either is scouting somehwere else or not at all. As you can see we have an embassy which Tubby decided to build last turn. Not too cheap probably so I am amazed he has that kind of cash! Could be goody huts or Celts (or Romans!).
Of course he could also have done some research.[]


Hellooo mr stone age.

I seem to be up Philo and Col while Tubby has Math (In the first pic there is a Catapult under the worker) and perhaps some other tech. (I use no mapstats). His math choice probably means he has Ivory and thus means to build Zeus! Smaller problem for me if he does it very soon.
However, Tubby faces a tough nut to crack as Putins scientists are a mere 4 turns away from Republic! []

My empire is pretty decent and about the same size as Tubbies. He has a bit more production because of Industrious workers but I am catching up (no shields wasted to catapults for me!).


The lands are not easy and I will need an FP to the north soon. Hannibal is very nice and he is no danger yet. I will take him out as soon as I can though as the ideal FP location is to the west of Carthage...
If Tubby plans anything stupid I will try to have enough ships out at sea to get early warning, while my early republic will help reseacrhing more advanced units.

The Powergraph show decent stats, with only MFG a lousy second place. This is mainly due to 3 cities growing hard for increased commerce.


Of course the Minimap:


Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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