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Old 08-11-2008, 23:58   #11
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Nice job gentlemen. Let's see if I can do the same.

OK here's a war update.

Move some forces next to Mpondo. We'll need much more but we'll bombard and fortify. Turn down research so we can establish an embassy and bring the Chinese into the fight.

150 BC Shabba's warrior guy promotes to veteran taking our an archer but he's at 3/4 strength.
Establish an embassy in China.

Offer them currency and they declare war on the Zulus.

IT Matrix the spear protecting Whomp's cavalry and is down to 50% strength but promotes to veteran status after being attacked by an Archer.

110 BC Lt. Killer M, Akots and BCLG's siege wagons knock two impi regular regiments down to 2/3 strength.
We lose Mistfit's crossbow and Shabbow and arrow but Beam and Shabbabow take down Mpondo.

On a counterattack in 70 Matrix the ax warrior is flawless and promotes to vet. Two Impi attack a half strenth Matrix the Spear. Takes a third counter and is flawless and he promotes to elite status.

An impi is dropped off next to the capital. Good thing we read that one since we have Propain's Cavalry and Rik Meleet's bowmen in the area.

70 BC Propain's cavarly is flawless and promotes to vet status whacking the impi incursion on the capital.

30 BC Siege wagons Aggie, Akots and BCLG are all on target hitting 2 archers.

10 BCKillercane breaks out his new siege wagon and pounds a impi nearing Matrix City. Beam the bowman goes to 25% but takes him out. Shabba the warrior loses to a regular archer but redlines him. Cavalry Whomp is flawless knocking him out.
There's a warrior near Furiey on Dyes and Spearwoman Furiey is fortified on a worker cutting a forest.

10AD Mursilis comes asking for currency and we tell him to bug off. He's says..ok. Darn.
It's a bad year as Juicy sinks trying to come home. But we learn feudalism. Not that it matters much since we don't have iron. I see an open coastal iron tile so Furiey on Dyes starts a setter.

Picture of the battlefront...

2 Impi jump in front of Matrix.

30 AD The siege of Badedi
BCLG and Aggie hit Bapedi hard with rocks. Cavalry Whomp is flawless and promotes to elite hitting one impi. The second takes Shabba Tell as a victim but Shabbowman redlines but takes the city...

Cavalry Whomp, Stapel reflexbow and Robboo and socraLynneK the spear move into the city. Just outside the city Aggiethe spears fortifies on our catapults.
Decide to fortify in Matrix with Propain's cavalry, move Melifulous bow and fortify Beam the injured bowman. Reinforcements are coming next turn. Killercane's siege wagon throws rocks on one of the impi and knocks it to 67% strength.

On the counterattack, Robboo takes damage down to 25% strength taking one warrior. socraLynneK takes down 2 warriors and promotes to elite though he's at 60% strength. The archer doesn't even attack. The impis run from Matrix and head towards Bapedi.

50 AD Have to crank up lux to 20% as our big cities are feeling the Zulu war. Aggie and the siege wagons join Badepi as there's still a warrior, archer and 2 impi within vicinity. Start to move on Hlobane. It has incense underneath. Interesting situation there. Hlobane is on a lake and Ibabanago is a canal city on the same lake. If they both have harbors will the incense travel out. I presume it does...

On the counterattack Aggie the spear defends against a warrior, archer and impi and promotes to elite and gets two elite wins.
Rik Meleet's bowman forces an impi to retreat from Matrix.

70 AD Robi D's cavalry redlines but takes out a impi near Mpondo. Americans, Hittites and Egyptians are all in the middle ages. The other two have republic but the Hittites don't but they're in monarchy. Trade them republic for 4gpt and 28g to keep research up. America and the Egytians are in anarchy along with the Russians and the Chinese on this continent (republic). Send out siege wagons BCLG, Akots and Lt. Killer M along with Propains and Whomps cavalry to meet up with the attachment headed towards Hbolane.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.--W. C. Fields

Last edited by Whomp; 09-11-2008 at 00:28.
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Old 12-11-2008, 00:36   #12
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Back again...

On the IT Lincoln asks for feudalism. Tell him to talk to eat my boots. He declares. We may have to foment war on the other continent a bit.

90 Turn down lux to 10% with a nice bout of war happiness again. Killercane hits a warrior with rocks and Romeothemonk's cavalry is flawless taking him out. Continue towards Hlobane...
There's a couple of archers at Bapedi's doorsteps but we have our elite spears to protect.

110 Our courageuos Curragh Furiey sinks trying to come home.
Shabbowman loses to an impi but redlines it. Propain's cavalry finishes him off flawlessly.

130 Cavalry Robi D goes 50% taking down a archer near Bapedi. Move our stack next th Hlobane.
Russians move to the mid ages and they get engineering. I think we'll wait to get the buchets. Planting forests will be nice too.
Zulus decide to go into anarchy in the middle of their GA.

150 Battle of Hlobane:
Killerkane, Akots and BCLG pound two impis to 2/3 and 1/3 strength.
Cavalry Romeothemonk goes 3/4 strength and elite Whomp is flawless taking the city.

We can't build a harbor on a lake it appears. The Zulus will be willing to make peace for 3 cities we'd like.
Ulundi, Umtata and Ibabanago. We'll keep pressing the issue but avoid those since we can handle the war weariness plus we have a MA with the Chinese.

[b] Lose Cavalry Robi D attacking a Zulu archer who promotes to vet.

190 Archer Paalikles is flawless revenging Robi D's demise.

210 Continue on towards Zimbabwe. Trade the Chinese monarchy for their 19g so we can get monotheism in 2. We could really use those war elephants for a GA.

230We get the Great Lighthouse.

The AI's absolutely refuse to get libraries. That seems to be to our advantage.
Decide it might be useful to make the Knights of Templar so we can have a powerful unit into the next age.

250 Monotheism comes in and decide it's time to end the war with the Zulus. Try leader fishing by whacking a Zulu archer first but no luck. Dial up the Chinese and cancel our MA.
Grab a worker Ulundi, Umtata, Umfolozi and Ibabanago from the Zulus before ending the war.
Establish Beorn on a coast and decide it's time to rename the Zulu cities Ibabanago to Ginger Ale, Ulundi to Col, Umtata to Grahamiam, Umfolozi to Robi D, Bapedi to Digger760 Mpondo to Tubby Rower and Hlobane becomes Rik Meleet
Trade feudalism and 2g to the Russians for engineering.

A view of the empire

Cleo comes asking for Monotheism. Tell her to quit . .. .. .. .. .in' and do some work. She backs off. Dang...
We finish our first galley and she's named Furiey the fearless.

270 Aztecs finish the pyramids and we get all kinds of cities switching their builds. We have a cascade coming.
The Russians get lit. Trade monarchy for lit and 1g. Turn the capital onto lib since it's our one research city. Decide it's time for the Americans and Hittites to fight. We'll establish an embassy next turn.

280 Get the Hittites to fight the Americans and Aztecs for literature. We'll get the Egyptians involved next turn. What the heck.

290 Apparently the Egyptians haven't met the Aztecs so we get them to fight the Americans only.
Trade lit for 6g and a MA vs. the Americans.

China and Zulus make peace.

310 Beam established on a coastal iron.

350 Hittites finish Temple of Artemis.
We get chivalry and turn off research to get our horses upgraded. They'll cost 120g apiece so we'll need a lot of gold for this.

[b]260[/b[Hanging Gardens finishes in Beijing.
370 Russians finish Statue of Zeus. Upgrade our first War Elephant Mistfit. Another will come in next turn and we're about 8 turns till we can hit the Zulus again. Looks like good timing.

380 SZ matyas established. Upgrade WE Dr. Alimentado and siege wagon Akots is turned into a trebuchet.

A little problem has been presented as the Zulus finish the Great Wall in Zimbabwe.

390 Erikk established.

Egyptians finish MoM. A cascade is occuring albeit slowly.
[b] Upgrade 3 more siege wagons to buchets. We'll need them with the Great Wall.

410 Sell the Russians monotheism for 7gpt and 65g. Upgrade Romeothemonk and we're done with our upgrades. We're going to keep research down for the moment.

420Upgrade Anarres though he'll only be a 4 hp WE. 3 more turns till we attack Zimbabwe. I'd like to grab the Great Wall before hitting their other cities. Couple more turns of 100% cash. I'd like to bring iron into our coastal cities.
Start Knights of Templar in the capital.

430 Establish Kemal

Turn research back to 50% after rushing the harbor in Beam and short rushing a WE in Matrix. We'll finish him next turn.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.--W. C. Fields
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Old 12-11-2008, 00:36   #13
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450 Everyone's set for next turn.

460 Digger760 gives us a border expansion so we move a little closer to Zimbabwe without crossing the border.

470 Move in on Zimbabwe and Intombe. The Zulus have a impi in our territory with a settler. He'll get whacked too.

Aggie the spear take 60% damage but retreats a horseman popping out of Zimbabwe.

480 The raid on Zimbabwe begins...
Our trebuchets go 2 for 4 hitting the city
Dr. Alimentado's War Elephants hit the city, redline the impi and lose.
Mistfit's War Elephant follows and goes down to 20% but wins and kicks off our GA!
Propain's War Elephant goes to 40% strength take the next.
Romeothemonk is flawless knocking out the next.
Whomp's Elite Horse unit takes down an impi flawlessly
and Anarres' regular War Elephant takes down the remaining horseman and we have Zimbabwe. We name the city after his great victory.

Banzai easily takes down Intombe and the city is named after him.
Kingreno's War Elephant easily takes down the impi and with their settler.

490We renew our alliance with the Hittites against the Americans and Aztecs. They give us 10g and 4gpt this time.

Archer Paalikles and Robi D defend themselves retreating a horsman and taking out a Zulu archer.
500 AD Renew our alliance against the Americans with the Egyptians. They give us 7gpt and 5g.

510 Invention comes in. Russians finish the Great Library.
Tugela easily falls to Swingque's War Elephant and it's renamed after him.
Banzai's War Elephant whacks a Impi that's near his city.
Mistfit's Elephant overruns a city too long to name so we name it Misfitzia.
Romeothemonk's Elephants take Swazi and we rename it Romeothemonk.

530Tugela goes down to failedreality and it's renamed such. One more city to go and the Zulus are finished. We'll start on the Chinese right after that. I'm not sure whether we'll need a MA with the Russians but it seems like it would be a good chance to get the Russians in the fighting game.

540 The Hittites make peace with the Americans.

560 We get gunpowder

570 We declare on the Chinese. Mistfit's WE puts a city in rubble.
Propain and Admiral Kutzov are near flawless capturing Tatung. Renamed after the Admiral.

580 We have saltpeter outside Darkness and Mistfit but nothing on the coast. Aha! Find some near Nanking along with incense two tiles over. We'll try to settle both. Tsingtao falls easily to Anarres, Romeothemonk and Whomp's elite horsemen. Rename it Aabraxan.

590 Take another city and rename it Markstar. This is turning into a rout.

600 Take two more cities and rename them Kingreno and Stapel. I almost forgot to give Stapel a city.

610 and this comes in.

620 Take more cities and we're not losing units.

640 Finally...

660 Chemistry comes in and decide to turn off research to see if anyone can catch up. We'll rush stuff in the meantime.

690 When it rains it pours. :lol:

OK this game needs to get interesting again since this has been a lot easier than I thought.

I've decided to make it a no research game from here on out since I'm already up 4 or more techs. The Russians will be a little more difficult since they have fast units. I plan to use the armies with only one unit so I can transport them to the other continent.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.--W. C. Fields
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Old 12-11-2008, 09:06   #14
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I guess, Elephant armies also might stand a chance s Rifles although I guess, your main goal now should be to win it before Rifles arrive.

No rsearch sounds like a good strategy anyway, you can capture the GLib at some point, but as written above, you are doing this so well, you might even not need it.
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Old 14-11-2008, 04:00   #15
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Ha! Robi D's town sucks even more than mine :]

Nice going !!
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Old 14-11-2008, 04:58   #16
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No Barbu in sight
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Old 14-11-2008, 05:22   #17
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Barbu1977 is on the Russian front and will be a very important city during the next turnset.

Beorn will become a military machine after recently rushing a rax. Robi D is on a island...well no duh.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.--W. C. Fields
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Old 14-11-2008, 07:38   #18
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Originally Posted by barbu1977 View Post

No Barbu in sight
There must be also a room for Orenburg in such a huge empire of yours.
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Old 26-11-2008, 16:31   #19
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Originally Posted by Whomp View Post
OK this game needs to get interesting again since this has been a lot easier than I thought.
It's regent, what did you expect? Why don't you step up a level on a smaller map? Nice walkthrough, pictures are nice
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Old 26-11-2008, 19:38   #20
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Where's Mauerville!? Razed? Damnit, Mauerville always gets razed.
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