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Old 13-11-2004, 16:29   #11
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Great going, but are you sure that is the correct minimap? If so, bad luck with all those flips to the americans..

Any info on Beam's mfg goods/gnp statistics?

Or is he so far ahead that it can't be said with certainty? doesn't seem to be since you are first in productivity... though as you say commercial trait/uncorrupted gnp might be a big factor in this.
<b>\"In the Game of Thrones, you win or you die\" </b>
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Old 13-11-2004, 16:48   #12
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hmm...this is the correct minimap, and I have had no flips yet!

Beam is on 240 MFG, something I can be as well, if I redistribute. I should overtake him when Philadelphia comes in my posession, it is big and close to Bergeyk, I hope the Americans built a Courthouse/market there.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 26-11-2004, 22:10   #13
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Update. dead.

Beam and me met and agreed peace for 20 turns.
We raced to the end of the Medieval age and I can say I came out rather vitorious. But it is FAR from over.

Beam and me are almost the same size, I lead a bit here, he leads a bit there. However, I seem to be able to research all Medieval techs in 4 turns at 100%, he needs 5! 100% is btw easily obtained with Korea, Byzantines and Spain funding the Greek research!

The Mother of all great turns: number 167!

I am up ToG on everyone. Korea and Beam have Military Tradition.
I research Magnetism (everyone lacks that) this turn and get to the IA! My free tech: Nationalism

I trade Magnetism and ToG to korea for MilTrad and 40gpt. They get Steam as Free tech. I trade Nat for Steam. I sell Mag and ToG to Byzantines for 10 gpt. They get Medicine as free tech. I trade Nationalism for Medicine with Byzies. AWESOME LUCK HERE. Beam, who is attacking Korea (and now faces riffles instead of Pikes) lacks all 3 IA techs and ToG. Since he also got Magnetism this turn he needs at least 4 turns for ToG or must trade for it! Muhahaha

In the same turn...

Eindhoven completes:


Bringing science in the cap to 117 beakers. (if Newtons doubles the science in the city then how can it be an odd number?)

Also, in this turn, a load off Knights is upgraded in the north.

Turn 168. Beam is shocked!

I invade China.



and turn 170:


3 turns, no flips, one casualty (cav). China was the weakest demigod civ I have ever seen. It was not their lands, must have been the war with abe that lasted a long time.

This leads us to the following situation.

America and China are dead.
Arabia is on an island with one city
Korea is being attackied by Beam, and will be an island nation as well
Spain is a bit backwards, but I hope my gift of horses will give beam some trouble with them
Byzantines pay me a shitload of cash and are strong militarywise
Sumeria (beam) is backwards a bit, but not underestimated.
Greece is great!

The minimap form turn 169: the two pink cities are now green.


the F1:


I hope the Koreans survive a bit longer as they give me around 120 gpt....

And finaly the F11:


Beam is a tiny bit bigger then me in pop and area.
I outproduce him by 19 shields, but I am using a lot of growth for workerproduction now, in "full mode" I get up to 270 Mfg, a lot more then his 219. I am clueless as to why this is...

The plan, as can be seen, I am going for electricity now, followed by SciMeth. ToE due in Eindhoven, then Hoover in Son en Breugel (on the dommelriver )

I am holding up on attacking the byzantines. They are very useful in paying my science and their lands (except the annoying town of Miami) are not going to be productive.
As for beam, I may go on defence as I will get to inf sooner then he will. The north-south railroad is being constructed as we speak, so I fear no invasion...Spacerace perhaps?

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 27-11-2004, 08:47   #14
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Dude, well done. It seems to have become pretty much a standard in pbem games for you guys to extort the AI first, and then have two supercontinents go to war against eachother. At least if you dont count all the times someone is fucked by a mass MA.

3 turns for destroying a civ is a wellplanned war nomatter the condition of the civ I think
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Old 27-11-2004, 09:27   #15
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Amazing play KR
I also like the KR vs Beam in the south of the map
If violence doesn\'t work, use more violence!


Swingue got a new pair of eyes, 20/20 vision now
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Old 27-11-2004, 09:45   #16
Nebuchadnezzar II
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Just wondering what if you invade Sumeria while there are no rails there? May be space race not needed then? Just a quick strike with 30-40 cavalries? Oh, forgot, you adreed to peace for 20 turns!
Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare
Ciceron (Marcus Tullius)
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Old 10-12-2004, 20:34   #17
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As expected. easy prey for me! I chose AT and electronics and Hoover is due in 8. I was actually a bit scared I was going to miss TOE. I never expected to get all level 1 techs from tis age in one turn, so my prebuilds were not timed right, they were off for more then 6 turns! Luckily, I investigated 2 of Beams cities. One was building Smiths (and finished it...grrr), the other was on starvation circle, being very productive with 30 shields...palace due in 30! Pfew.
I now have AT, Elec and Rep parts over everyone, and SMeth to that on beam. My guess is he is going for Rep parts and the corp. Both are fine, as he needs to trade it arround for some cash, which will get it to me from either spain or Byzantium. I am now going for Sanitation. All major cities are building factories now, hospitals to follow and the full power of th commercial trait will be shown!

@Akots: I will not invade yet. Too risky. I intend to take out Byzantines the moment I hit the next age, make peace and get their free tech, then finish them off. That will (75% chance) get me two ModAge techs, and make the gap with Beam unbridgable. Nukes, diplo or Alpha Centauri to follow.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 17-12-2004, 11:36   #18
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Massive update!

Where were we? Oh right! We had just completed the ToE in Eindhoven. Beam went after me (techwise) and went for AT himself in anill-attempt to take Hoover from me. However, Railroaded Son en Breughel had skyrocketed production resulting in:


Factories were finished continentwide and immediately we profitted from our Sanitation research as Hospitals were next. I will never give this tech away as AI ignores is completely and I want beam to spend the full 4 turns on it. Beam went for (pricey!) Electronics after AT allowing me to go on the Coorperation which came in 5 turns. I was expecting Beam and the AI to get it too at some point but:


Beam got AT one turn later and thus misses 4 techs! He is up Communism and Fascism on me but that is slightly unimportant.

Things went predictably. Stock exchanges after hospitals and then mili. I used Civil Engineers extensively, mostly in the remote area's to build factories,Courthouses and Markets there. The Remotest (larger) cities are now on 10-15 shields. This is still an inf every 6-9 turns!
Theodora. That our love was not eternal was to be expected, but the Bitch RoP-raped me! I had "locked" the border for this could have happened but she managed to kill 5 cav and almost take Philadelphia. She was going to pay!
Soon Greek units overhwelmed riflemen from Byzantium all over the place.
The Meager harvest was one leader.


Also we captured several wonders:


And as useless:


Byzantine culture is immense, so I had some flips along the way. Nothing too bad though! Later, we also managed to snatch a very nice wonder:


I removed all foreign inhabitants off the island and it is completely Greek now!
Theodora still has one city surrounded by my cav on an island. I want her Mod-age tech, and plan on some leaderfishing.

Time went on. Spain got replacable parts and Beam has it too. He also gained Electronics and the Coorperation! He has signed an RoP with Spain and he intends to abuse Isabella soon now. The ratface!
My own research is progressing as well as I need that tech gap to stay there. I am up sanitation, Refining, Steel and combustion. Flight is up in 3! I can run 0.10.0 for a while to come and expect to be in the next age by no less then 11 turns (flight, mass prod and mot transp).
Beam knows I have steel and ref and thinks he is gaining (he is, a bit). He is about to meet a Destroyer. A destroyer of hope.


I also investigated a city of beams a few turns ago ( no pic. shit!) and he has a little over 400 gold. Not enough to make a steal. He will also depserately need Sanitation.
To give a comparison I have made some giant pics of both our empires:


Some figures om Shields:
Beijing: 22
Philadelphia: 44
Heeze: 36

Beams Land:


The map is very accurate.

This results in the following minimap:


And F11:


And last the Powergraph.


As said I cannot see Beam getting back techwise. So what shall it be? Diplo, Space or Nukes?
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 17-12-2004, 14:29   #19
Rik Meleet
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Can you win Diplo ???
I'd say your techlead demands SpaceRace.
Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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Old 17-12-2004, 14:51   #20
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You must invade him!!!!

That is, of course for the nice battles - for us spectators!
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