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Old 14-04-2005, 03:25   #1
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Default Spoiler - grs vs grahamiam - Map by Darkness

start as follows. we're about 10T in. built a warrior and now finishing a dingy. land looks nice. will mine the game to get the settler pump going.

1st map by Darkness!

Just met the Spainish as well. They are up CB but down Mas. Let's see what they research next...

more beef []

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Old 24-04-2005, 02:30   #2
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moving along to turn 30 now.

Land is nice, settler pump up and going. I have 2 workers, 2 warriors, and 1 dingy right now. Building a settler and a warrior. Utica will be very productive (cow +4BG with expansion). My next town will grab the Silks, then the 4th will be on the coast near the fish or down to the SE along the river. Looks like an early war with Spain will be necessary. Too bad I don't have anything to fight with.

Met the Vikings a few turns ago, and they went ahead and research Writing Looks like the AI is doing unusual research here, because they were still down Wheel and CB. Oh well. Not sure what to research after Writing, perhaps Lit and then give it to Spain and Vikings, hoping 1 of them builds GLib?
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Old 29-07-2005, 23:41   #3
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phew, lots of dust in this thread too

up in techs and most things important. got about 12 swords and a flow of horsies streaming south to claim what is rightfully mine!


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Old 25-09-2005, 15:50   #4
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We're up to turn 116 now, seems like things are going good in this one. I managed to banish Spain from my continent on turn 99, signed peace getting 25g and 23gpt and an island town. No Leaders but lots of elite wins.

On turn 106, I discovered Mono and had a monopoly. Sold to Dutch for 31gpt and 53g but it seems as if it was too much as they landed a couple of warriors and a spear on the new island town.

The 2 warriros gave me an elite sword, but the eSword did not give me a leader. At this point, the Dutch had snuck a town on my island, so I ran a couple of eSwords and an NM down to the town, taking it and triggering my GA on turn 109.

Meanwhile, GRS was slogging thru the Byzantines, trying to get a hold of his island as well.

On turn 113, I discovered Theology and had another Monopoly. GRS was still down all 1st level MA techs (Mono, Fued, and Eng). Next turn, Dutch offered peace on the IBT, which I took as it didn't make any sense to fight them anymore. They gave 11gpt and 22g. Then, when the turn started, I noticed that GRS now had all 1st tier techs. Looking around, it appears that he paid the Dutch lots of money, so I took it by selling Theology to Dutch for 64gpt and 9g. I then also sold it to Sumeria for 28gpt and 20g. Now, I'm making more than 100gpt with 90% research.

Status of Home Continent @ turn 116

Demographics @ 116 (GA is helping a lot, but pop is #1, which I wanted)

Plan now is to research to Astronomy for Caravels, trading for Invention (3 civ's have it already) and maybe Guns. Once Education comes in, I will sell it to Sumeria and others for Invention and whatever gpt I can get. Sumeria has the GLib and I want to turn it off soon. Also, I'd like to switch my Sun's build to Leo's and build up a lot of horseman. I hope to upgrade 20 to 30 to knights and drop them off in GRS's backyard before Man-o-Wars come into play.
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Old 26-09-2005, 09:24   #5
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ah, so the "ah yes. Finally I can rule the seas with my ManO...what tha...A freaking huge load of kniggits!" approach

Nice development there.

Why is spain still alive?
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Old 26-09-2005, 14:22   #6
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Spain is still alive because I did not have the navy to go get her last towns yet (capitol jumped to the island). So, they got to live for 20 more turns with the privelage of paying me 23gpt and giving up 1 of thier towns. Unfortunately, 1 town flipped, but that was it. We are at turn 120 now, and Spain is dead (peaced ended on turn 119), so no more flips.
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Old 26-09-2005, 18:20   #7
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quote:Originally posted by Paalikles

ah, so the "ah yes. Finally I can rule the seas with my ManO...what tha...A freaking huge load of kniggits!" approach

Nice development there.

Why is spain still alive?
Gee, that sounds awfully familiar to me for some reason...
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Old 26-09-2005, 19:37   #8
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Perhaps a little redundant. However, I will also start a prebuild after my GA for Smith's. If I can't knock him out with knights, I will at least try to deny him the ability to get all his courts/markets/banks/police barracks for free like Akots did to me. If he's going to use his commercial trait to the fullest, I want him to have to pay for it.
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Old 16-10-2005, 04:35   #9
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ok, update time. Finally, some fireworks

Finished off the Spanish and got an MGL while wiping her out

Also finished Leo's some time ago. Then traded for Chivalry on turn 133 and promply upgraded 27 Knights. Loaded 2 in an army, then sent the whole thing in 10 caravels off to say "Hi" to grs. Why 10, well, I wanted a scout up ahead, and I left that caravel empty.

So... grs apparently was looking out for me at one of the chokes. In order to concel the size of my landing, I decided to attack. Lost the scout but it redlined grs's caravel. I then used a vet with 3 knights to kill it off and it promoted (4/5).

We are allowed 1 MA vs the player, so I chose the Vikings
Also got Chems and Navigation for Eco as well as WM's

I am now about 2T from landing on grs' Eastern Coast. Not really sure how much damage these units can do, but I hope to raze at least couple of towns (which are, hopefully, built-up). Don't expect much as my suprise went totally out of this landing, though the mil adviser says I'm strong vs him.
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