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Old 15-10-2004, 16:16   #11
Join Date: May 2003
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Posts: 901

6 turns of peace and Maya demand 20g (= whole treasury) tribute! Grrr. I don't risk anything and pay. Good thing at least there was no deficit spending then.
To my surprise, Mongols are #1 in pop and MFG while land coverage sucks. Strange, but things don't seem as shitty as I thought.
Colossus completed by Dutch.
Further mm-ing/F11 MFG investigation shows that *someone* produces 20spt.
1 settler arrived at the northern likewise bottleneck (see pic post#4); I will settle the gold hill next turn and could fully block possible French trespassing in ~10 turns (additional units needed).

Pity I will likely not succeed reaching/blocking the southern bottleneck in time (area near former Ta-tu).

Meanwhile I hope some wandering French and Mayan warriors take out some barb camps thretening Mongolia.

Killer's city of Medina is in the top5; so some portion of the ~80(!)-points score gap between us may be explained by border expansions.
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Old 24-10-2004, 00:49   #12
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The Mayans keep marching through my lands, maybe barb hunting.
One warrior fortified near Kazan, though. Really annoying.

151.52 KB

The demograph. (#2 in MFG is also at 24spt)

138.99 KB

I forgot:

I looked what I could get for philo during the last turns.
Maya had ~100 gold and France ~50g to offer (turn61), no techs.
Now (62) Maya have map making and just about 80g in their bank.
Unless they gave tribute to France, this smells like contact to
another civ...

in 63, France knows map making as well; trade philo to France for mm and 48g, cautious Maya first get a gift of 50g (turning polite) and I then sell them philo for 125g
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Old 28-11-2004, 23:03   #13
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75: contact to Killer!

Lots of waving whale fins allured my exploring galley; and yes,
an Arabic galley was spotted!

63.81 KB

Moved on and met the Japanese.

62.72 KB
Embassies established in Japan and Arabia.
The Japanese are (probably) leading in territory and they have around 11 cities which is not too bad. I gave them lit for HBR and 4g (Killer knows both anyways).

And here's Killer's capital:

122.77 KB
Killer is ahead in techs, he doesn't lack a tech I have. I would have expected this (maybe except for lit), but he offered a tech exchange (he also stated his galley went down; if that's true he would possibly have never seen my galley). [edit: my galley survived!]
I'm actually researching CoL and the prize didn't drop, so he shouldn't know it.
What's puzzling is that I'm #1 in GNP for a while.

At least he isn't a republic:
[edit: in turn 76, the advisor said strong]

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Mongol empire in turn 75:

168.35 KB

The Mayans are trespassing to the north with quite a number of units. Almost too much troops for barb hunting, so they're hopefully taking care of France. Although, they may have just gone mad. (Mongol scientist claim Mayan madness is proven.)

If the borders of Yax-shitload won't expand, I'll replop a city on the ruins of Ta-tu.(Mayan weirdos have a city next to the volcano , that's why an expansion would be bad now).

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Old 08-01-2005, 03:14   #14
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After a short break during december, the game continued (79 turns played).
Just four more turns, but the situation is really getting better. Gotta love early grannies, even w/o a classic 4-turns-settler-factory (well one is present). There's 14 towns (+1 next turn) around now on my fertile lands.
I could indeed plop a town on the ruins of Ta-tu. This location may be used as a springboard and a border stronghold for a later invasion against the Mayans.
These have continued marching to the north (France), although the leading stack did not directly head for the nearest French town.

Here's an overview, a second native lux (ivory) will be online in the near future.

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Some stats:

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Apart from the rather huge score gap at this point (110 points), I wouldn't possibly guess Killer got an early hut-town. Mongolia recovered .
Still needing a lot more workers, though.

Invented CoL this turn, various activity on the tech bazar started:
Maya get CoL and HBR for poly plus 40g.
(btw, Killer lacks poly, but possibly has currency)
France gets CoL for maths.
Japan nothing to give than 9g and they're tech-wise really backwards, although obviously quite well expanded. Thus I guess they are on an own island and/or desparatly lack contacts.

Next plans are to fill unsettled land (hopefully before uprisings take place), plus getting some libs.
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Old 10-01-2005, 00:02   #15
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Don't disturb!
Sweet-Smoke and Joannie-Honey exchange caress.

33.51 KB

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Old 21-01-2005, 23:16   #16
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Rep is just in. Killer apparently finished research a few turns earlier and is already running that gov while actually fighting Persia (as he told me - I don't know Persia yet).
I get 8 turns anarchy.
But I sold rep for an excellent 43gpt and 212g to the Mayans, good thing they're in monarchy and have their GA. France buys rep for construction and 7g.
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Old 21-01-2005, 23:53   #17
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8 turns? Ouch! Thats bad
I hope you can benefit from the Maya-French war!
I see your face when I am dreaming.
That\'s why I always wakeup screaming.
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Old 22-01-2005, 00:29   #18
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Well, at least I'm benefitting from Maya's GA.
Just played 102, sold 'em construction for furs, 3gpt and 40g. I have native ivory and incense, so republic can start with 3 luxs online.

The war now takes mainly place in my territory as the Mayans weren't too successful during their initial attack with the raiding stacks they brought to France. Much slaughtering to look at in the IBTs.
Pity the Mayans disband every slave worker they get from their Javs. Btw, they have ToA and SoZ now.
France completed TGL some turns ago.

Killer is now in the next era, I'm still lacking currency.
edit: 104, bought currency from France for 210g.
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Old 24-01-2005, 00:50   #19
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Japan asks for tribute (mono), they declare. Good for me, there's no safe sea route and I put the lux slider down to 10%.
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