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Old 11-03-2004, 20:49   #1
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Default Kingreno vs Anarres ***SPOILER***

in turn 106:


Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 11-03-2004, 20:55   #2
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Arrrhhhhhggg my eyes!!!

This is too much info about your game!
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Old 13-03-2004, 10:53   #3
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So you want to know how, why, what and so on?[]
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 13-03-2004, 11:06   #4
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Yeah! And add some stuff about our game too!
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Old 13-03-2004, 11:17   #5
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More spoilers!
I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 13-03-2004, 12:31   #6
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Ok, here is how it began:

We find ourselves, sons of Baal-Hammon of Phoenicia, on the beach of our new Lands:


Our workers find cattle nearby and therefor start works to get that tile irrigated the moment our borders expand, meaning we will not mine the Sugar yet.
From Intel we hear that we are on an archipelago map, on Deity Level, with 6 AI opponents and one human opponent, the respected Anarres, playing the Byzantines. As can be seen, we picked teh Industrious and Seafaring Carthaginians ourselves.
This meant, that we start with Alphabet and Masonry. Off course the mear rumors of nearby cattle led to a very certain pursue of Pottery, with writing after that.
Our scouting warrior soon found a second cattle to the north and no efforts were spared to get a settler out of carthage as soon as possible. The city of Utica was founded and would have the sole mission of becoming a 4-turn-setler factory. It was barely possible to do this since Utica suffered from one corrupted shield! But nevertheless, it could be done.


As can be seen, the current layout woth two irrigated cows allows for Utica to trade a cow for a irrigated plaiens every other turn, so that Carthage itself can still benefit from it when Utica does not need it.
Also, another problem arrises. The mountain range South of Carthage means that we cannot get fresh water in the Plains area there, thus making it far less productive. A city must be founded on these hills somewhere to get the water through.
Furthermore, Carthage was to build Curaghs mainly, meaning no granary and also no building costs. The scouting thusfar shows that Utica's setlers, with some extra's from other cities will be more then enough to fill the entire island.
Yes, we are alone. We have found the English recently but they are one square beyong even galleyrange and thus are no threath to our island. Likewise, and invasion of England will probably be delayed till Astronomy.
The English are very advanced already, leading us by 6 techs. We pursue literature after writing and in our third city leptis magna, a Palace was started the very second is was founded.

Barbs, while we were supposed to play "no-barbs".
I manage to rescua one setler by luring the barb towards a worker (who dies). I am NOT prepared at all for this.
Anarres and I agree to play on however.


Somewhere along the line, I meet Anarres!! He has explored the whole world while my people seem to celebrate "national-Curragh-Sinking-Day" just a bit too often
He is very advaced as well, though he lacks literature! We trade Lit for MM and give in 50 gold in the process. England then pays me the wheel, BW, WC and CB for lit.
Anarres knows England and by selling lit around I am risking the fact that someone else will build teh Glib, but off course, not selling would mean Anarres selling it around.
On the bright side, I find the Netherlands a turn later and after making an embassy with Anarres I notice they ar at war!!! That in turn means, that i can sell Literature to teh Dutch, getting me Math and Philo and 200 gold.
My first galley sails north some turns later and finds teh French and The Germans on turn 90. After Literature and the mentioned trades I went full ahead to curency adn upon finding the two new players, I notice they are Monarchy! Howver, the suckers lack writing!!!
I sell them a lot, getting me IW, Poly and even Monarchy. The latter not for teh gov, but is the Great Library fails, I can at least switch to the Gradens.
A few turns later I get Currency and France pays: 460 g + 40 gpt for it!!! wtf!!!


Right now, we are at turn 107 and as could be seen we have build the Glib, forcing Anarres to gift his precious techs away and getting me into a 7 turn anarchy to Republic. He himself is also a republic with a bery short anarchy!
The Island:


And the Minimap:

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 13-03-2004, 19:05   #7
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So whats the plan Stan ?

Well played btw
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Old 01-04-2004, 12:22   #8
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The plan...

is to invade Anarres.

The GreLib gave me a tech every 8 turns or so, so in turn 130 (or so) it ended in education, with GP on the bottom half of the techladder as the last free tech. I Went full speed at Chemistry and got it 1 turn after the Dutch, who however did not sell it to anyone!
I did, netting me no techs, but 200 gpt and 600 cash from the ai.
for the past 40 turns, I ran positive with the taxslider at zero.

Anarres has done very well. He used his scientific trade well, and also was able to buy/sell around the AI most of whom do not know eachother. At one point I send a brave galley of mine into his waters and without warning it was sunk by his stupid dromon!!!!

GA for him which gave him astronomy and Navigation as monopoly techs. I was going full speed at Metalurgy and hope to get it first as well. He used Navigation of course to trade his way to ultrahapiness (4 extra luxes...) so that gave me the idea to MA the world against him which was very easy. Good luck with your monopoly Anarres.

It all depends for me if I get metalurgy first. That would renew the GPT deals (though that way be fucked when Anarres MA's them back) and net me the upperhalve techs. 2 turns to go...

I have also been keeping a close eye on the F3 screen and that shows me I am still average to Anarres. That means he is very likely not invading me with something heavy , since my mili is a couple of warriors and some Ancient Cavalry (built Zeus in Carthage). I also know he has a decent number of Dromons, so his total land army is even smaller then mine and that, believe me, could mean not a single land unit at all. I am curious as to what will happen when I land two ancient cav next to a core city in 8 turns.

screenies to follow...

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 01-04-2004, 12:50   #9
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You gonna invade him with what than ? Cavs ?
How do you gonna avoid getting your invasion force sunk by his Dromons ?
Are you already building your invasion force right now ?
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Old 02-05-2004, 10:54   #10
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It has been too long...sorry guys, I hope a bigger update will again spark some interest in a game that turns out to be very close.

We find ourselves in 700 AD abd are well into the Industrial age. But first some things about how we got there...

At one time, half way during teh last age, Anarres and me where making MA's vs eachother a lot. This also assured some very aggresssive techtrading on both sides. He got a very nice banking monopoly which he used extremely effective, netting him all the remaining obligatory MA-techs but ToG and Mag. He then got one of these and traded it for the otehr with Germany and Holland, exchanging his free tech with Germany's. The techs being Medicine and Steam. I "suddenly" lack: banking, Physics, ToG and Mag. Not to mention the IA-techs!
But naturaly, Hanibal was not sitting by idle during this time. Based on my opponents I decided to head for Music Theory! With Backwards India being the only religious civ (who tend to research it) I got a monopoly on it! Trading metalurgy with the french for Physics and doing a full speed run on ToG after that, gave me some time however to keep MT for myself and at one point:


This btw led to the Germans switching to Newtons denying it Anarres who had ONE turn to go on it. Rumors say that the Bank in Adrianopolis has an Educative touch on it.

I traded MT around a few turns before completion ond I got all MA-techs. That brought me the possibility to get IA-techs as well!
I was at this point still at war with England and I decided taht this was the time to trigger a GA. I needed it a lot to get close to Anarres again who is undoubtly going straight to ToE.
I "invade" england with two Numidian Mercs, and the result is quite




I CAPTURE dover with two mercs both defeating a spear!
I make a nice peace deal with lizzie and as she was giving one of her saltpeter away to some other civ, I could give her "mine" that I found near teh hills of Dover!
Then there are teh Sumerians. They are at war with Anarres and are backwards. I gift them all the techs they need to get them into the next age. Starting with Theology and Invention so they got a whole age from me. Their free tech was Medicine and for Nav, chiv, MT, PP and some gold I trade it with them.
I am now behind Steam Power and Miltrad. Next, in my GA I go max on Nationalism(8 turns) because teh Sid game thought me the AI will never trade it in any reasonable way. Also, I am confident that in my GA I will outresearch the AI to it. It works! I get it on monopoly and after very carefull considderation I decide to give it to Germany, who pay the price! I get Democracy, Steam Power and Miltrad, and 16 gpt (max). I deliberately hold back on giving other AI Nationalism, at elast till they got something better to offer then World maps and 2 gold. Anarres is sucking them empty.

This brings us to the date we are now. 700 AD. I am heading for electricity. If I get it before Anarres I am sure I get Toe as well. But a tie could mean a very exiting run indeed. Or, if he gets electricity next turn, I will not make it. probably. My strenght now is my GA! I have science on 80%, with uni's almost everywhere.

The talk of the lands:


As known, Anarres' island is exactly the same as mine, so the difference in cityplacement is interesting. This is his island:


Please do note I am industrious, so some less junglechopping on his side is explainable. Nice to see the denser strategy vs the more or less OCP. I remain in doubt which is the best. The OCN is 17 here.

As Anarres held SP several turns more that I he has Railroaded some more. I am catching up using the trait!
As I am not 100% sure this is "the" most accurate version of his TM we should not elaborate too much on it, though I do not think he has mined all mountains yet, for example.

The friends:


Anarres and I, as written in the Open thread, have peace till turn 220. Which is 34 turns from now. Our "war" is thus phoney. But I do not want him research my cities.

The f11:


In a GA here!

The minimap:


The future:

It all again depends on who gets Toe. However, if I miss it, and I estimate chances about 60% that I will miss it, I will get Rep parts before the peace treaty expires. I deem an invasion very unlikely, but not impossible. At least I am still up Nationalism.

The dover alternative: If Anarres and I agree to extend the peacetreaty or if I can spare some forces, England is my target, they are close, have two lux, decent lands and I have a beachhead there! I estimate 20-30 cav to sweep the island, more if lizzie gets Nationalism. We shall see, but again, it is ToE that will decide a lot.

I will keep you posted!

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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