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Old 25-01-2007, 20:38   #34
Nebuchadnezzar II
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quote:Originally posted by Kemal
1. they're not that retarded btw, both have music, and only need nationalism, gunpowder and mil. tradition themselves too for cavs (don't forget they have their research output combined since about turn 20).
2.Or alternatively, they can put up good defenses with gunpowder and chemistry -> grenadier, since they already have engineering. They absolutely can't be underestimated that's for sure.

3. Also, 20 turns...? I personally don't believe this game can be decided so fast, but we shall see what happens. Don't forget that I have to earn money myself inbetween bursts of research, so after 4 turns for Liberalism there will have to be a small period where money is generated too.
1. They don't have Astronomy and won't get it easily. They also cannot pop it with a great person because there is a preference for Printing Press in the current situation. Therefore they are stuck on the defensive. If you can use this advantage you have, that would be great.
2. IMHO, grenadiers/musketmen won't be enough even with a horde of catapults. One needs rifelemen to survive against cavalry. I also doubt they might have enough cash to upgrade whatever promoted troops they have into grenadiers. So, cavalry might be sufficient especially if covered with a few macemen here and there. But it has to be a strong punch with many units.

I've played a few MP games on a more relaxed settings and never had any problem "delivering" it with cavalry against grenadiers. IMHO, cavalry rules the world of Civ4 as much as it ruled the world of Civ3, it is just that the window is not as large on normal speed. So, you have to build many units within a rather short time period. Of course many means really many, 3-6 every turn for 12-15 turns for may be total of something like 50 or even more. It might be practical with slavery.

3. Regarding cash and stuff, if you can spend a few units here and there and kill Matrix/Aztec, this would accomplish a few things. First, you get instant cash boost to fuel research. Second, you get some instant population boost to whip into cavalries. It would come at a cost but one can worry about the cost later on. And hopefully Matrix has at least a couple of Courthouses here and there in his cities. Not sure about the Aztec, Monte usually does not like to build city improvements.

But this is all just an outsider vision based on your spoiler. May be I'm too optimistic here.

However, the only viable counter to this for the other continent would be a mad race towards riflemen. But they would have to wage a war against Washington to fuel that race considering if and when you might get your Golden Age.
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