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Old 19-01-2007, 23:09   #12
Nebuchadnezzar II
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No, what I mean that after the first move Rxd5 and then Rxd5 white can try Bg2. But it does not seem to be enough for winning. Black has a few god moves like 2. ... e6 (with a very hard to evaluate rook ending) or Rd1 with some strong counterplay on the king's side threatening to capture all white pawns there. Also possible 2 ... Rd4 with the idea of Ra4 later if white advance the pawn and there is not enough time for white to play Rc3. So, all in all it seems that Bg2 does not win decisively. Whereas 2. Rc3 instead wins very easily. I'm thinking that 2. Bg2 actually deserves no points at all even with the right first move 1. Rxd5!
Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare
Ciceron (Marcus Tullius)
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