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Old 06-12-2005, 16:48   #23
Melifluous's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
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quote:Originally posted by Paalikles

Does that mean anarres found his archnemesis, which turned out to be his dad, and they fought, and anarres hand was chopped off?
Dont be stupid.

I think that after carefully inspecting the well played out battle between the light and dark sides of his posting persona several conclusions can be made. The metaphysical interaction between the posters ID and the way this affects the posters Ego cannot fully be discounted from such an image. But after much thought, I have come up with the following conclusion.


PS. Shabba? You leave this the hell alone huh. Now I done warned ya before. Spam is not a bad thing. And what the hell's this (TM) crap? Bloody kids...

Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?
It's swell to have a stiffy,
It's divine to own a dick.
From the tiniest little tadger
To the world's biggest prick!
So three cheers for your willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one-eyed trousers snake.
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