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Old 14-11-2005, 12:12   #5
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Unfortunately only the top 8 decklists are available thus far, but as expected a goblin deck won. It beat a suicide black deck in the finals that should've won if it weren't manascrewed. 4 engineered plagues and 4 darkblasts is apparently a good way to stop goblins.

What's nice about the top 8 is that only 2 of the decks are established archetypes, both goblin decks. So despite the (expected) hate goblins is still the top deck. The other decks are astral slide, a salvagers combo and three different threshold decks. I think that's weird, since with all those dredge cards (and the threat of reanimator) I'd expect a lot of graveyard hate (like tormod's crypt).

That the suicide black deck ended at second place is brilliant. Everybody and their mother is always claiming that it's an obsolete archetype. It was run by a pretty good player though. But that might say something about all those people claiming that the deck sucks
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