Thread: SGOTM8 Turnlogs
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Old 23-09-2005, 10:49   #38
Rik Meleet
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Well, good news is that I was able to play 7 turns. Greece and China are eliminated and Vikings are being hammered. Bad news is that game crashed on turn 7 while I was RoP raping England. Apparently the process was rather fierce for the engine and I managed to press F3 on the way thus causing an exception error. Here is the log. Tomorrow I'll try to replay turn 7 and will also try to post some pictures.

Preturn check. Lots of changes made. Here is a shortened list:

Two troopers found in chopper in Xinjian, unloaded, moved to Athens and dropped near Knossos. Chopper loaded with infantries instead. Built airfield on gems to be able to get to Japanese town of Jerusalem. Switch many factories in completely corrupt cities to airports or other things more relevant. Switch civil engineers to scientists to speed up research to Rocketry. Irrigated grassland near Boston and joined a worker to get to size 12 which gained us 4 spt. Some corrupt cities are drafted and set to workers. Some builds switched to tanks which were part-rushed. Cincinnati has total of 4 shields. Switched factory build to Bank. At least something. Hangchow has 1 shield total and it a single turn away from Factory, switched to bank. Houston get 3 times shield there were there but we don’t have enough workers to finish improvement of tiles there. Denver is building factory but city has 11 shields total and does not have market. Dallas on the other hand switched from Airport to Factory. The list goes on, almost every city changed.

Finally check the diplo (nothing interesting) and press Enter. Many builds ready, we have our first tank.

[1] Mycenae captured at a price of one infantry. Knossos captured by heroic trooper and Greece is eliminated. A slave builds airfield there and one trooper moved back to mainland. Forces moving on to assault on Jerusalem and Hakodate while we are still at war with Japan. I make a RoP deal with England. Houston brought to very decent 26 shields per turn from 11 on a previous turn. First tank airlifted to Ephesus on English continent. It would be a long way. English military is same size as ours and average is strength. Beth is in Democracy and that is no good for us.

IBT. Rocketry comes in and I turned off research.

[2] Many builds finished, we are making +687gpt. Not much but might be OK for the moment. Ephesus had already 4 tanks, moving into position. I just don’t see any reason for China to stay alive. We can certainly try to get rid of pesky Mao as well if this does not interfere with our plans against England. Airlifted a bunch of cavalries to Tatung to make sure China will be eliminated rapidly.

[3] Jerusalem bombed and captured. Some more units ready, moving tanks into positions over England.

[4] We capture Hakodate from evil Tokugawa. War with China has started. Ningpo captured. It was completely corrupt city but had 5 spearmen as defenders in it. Anyang captured, only 2 spearmen. Kaifeng also captured. Make peace and RoP deal with Japan. They are in Fascism and it can wait. England is the powerhouse to be destroyed first.

IBT a few cities riot for unknown reason.

[5] Paoting captured with a slave which rushes to build an airfield. China will be probably eliminated next turn. More troops moving to England. Attack on Vikings is almost ready. The problem might be not so much with invasion of the mainland but with multiple islands especially not with getting troops to these islands but getting troops back from these islands.

IBT Deal with Rome expired and we lost 3 luxuries. Time to part with another tech unfortunately.

[6] Atomic Theory sold to Rome in exchange for 3 luxuries, Communism (can be useful) and some change like 42 gpt. Viking city of Bodo is razed with our glorious cavalry. Leaving it would increase rank corruption throughout our empire. China is down to a single redlined spearmen in Nanking. Just out of pure curiosity, silly question. Why our Forbidden Palace is in Seattle? That is the worst possible location for FP imho. Why not Miami, Houston, Baltimore or Buffalo? Even Phili would have been way better.

It seems that next turn we are ready to take over England. We can cut England in two parts by taking London and Dover. This would disrupt their communications. However, on the second thought, it might be reasonable to accumulate more tanks there. We have only 13 and there are lots of infantries around there.

[7] Nanking is razed and China is destroyed. Hareid is captured, it is a certain flip risk but great base for attacks on Vikings. I decide to give it a go with England. They have fresh veteran infantries running around and its not going to get better apparently. Possible targets: London, York, Dover, Nottingham, and Argos as well as rubber near Coventry. Staring with London. London captured, with Bach’s in it since tank won against spearman. Dover captured. Argos captured. Canterbury captured. I decide to check how it goes and press F3 and the game crashes. Will try to replay exactly the same moves from the latest save I have or from autosave. Sorry about that, will finish tomorrow.

The game is getting messy.

Looking at the territory graph on the progress page, it seems that we have been researching way too long. A few other teams had started similar conquests around 1000AD and apparently Wacken even earlier. This kills our chance for a victory apparently but we still can finish in a good place.

OK, trying to replay turn 7. London captured, Dover captured, Canterbury and Argos captured. Now, the most important part is not to press F3. Good news end here because our tanks miserably fail to capture Leeds and York. We do capture Nottingham though and get a leader in the process!!! Will apparently form an army of tanks to speed up the slaughter of England. Vikings don’t have rubber and it would be way easier to get them. And finally, cavalry miserably fails to capture Reading. This whole operation did not crush England completely but would certainly prevent Beth from researching and would force her into Fascism. Our losses were minimal and the only thing that really threatens is flips and war weariness.

IBT. England counters with a few cavalries, capturing some workers and killing a redlined tank. We also have some war weariness but not bad, hopefully, hooking incense would help.

Alesund captured. Mostly regrouping units in England.

[9] Another turn of transporting, healing and regrouping. England started to draft riflemen. Reading finally razed. There is little point in keeping this infested city.

[10] Coventry captured, Newcastle captured at a price of two tanks. Norwich captured. Southern England is gone except Oxford. Odense captured from the Vikings, airfield built near it on a mountain. I’ll stop here. Did not rush build, micromanage or check diplomacy. Also, did not move workers. We are ready next turn to take Copenhagen and build an airbase on Viking continent. We then can try to make peace, airlift as many tanks as possible (hopefully England would be finished by then) and repeat the evil approach used to crush England. It should not take too long, although England still would be resisting for another 5-7 turns. Then the time of Rome and Japan would come. They are now at war with each other and this is good.

Here are a few screenies.

Copenhagen – ready to go!

Oxford: last stronghold in Southern England.

Northern England: Long way there to victory. Still two more cities on a little island up north.

An island in the middle: Future second front base for attacks on Rome and Japan.

Another possible base to start conquering Japan.

Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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