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Old 08-08-2005, 19:27   #20
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Mistfit - I'll release some sort of version tonight that should at least trap whatever error you are getting, I still don't know what the error is but I think I can fix it so that you get a proper error message within the application (rather than one that crashes you to desktop) and then carry on without it creating an error log. Is anyone else getting anything like the error Mistfit gets?? I am tending torwards it being a screwy ME problem with a particular .NET fuction, I know win98 has certain issues with certain objects/methods that it dosen't properly support and could be the same with ME

I'll also try an alternative way of coding the file handling, I am using a new method of the File class that was introduced in .NET 1.1 but I can open the file the old fashioned way and see if that works any better.

Also in this version - I have the training screen working and I have made some other changes to the user interface. There is now more user info displayed and I am experimenting with making it a bit slicker to look at...

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