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Old 16-04-2005, 04:04   #23
Rik Meleet
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I would nuke you if I was in Beams position. What's there to loose for Beam ? According to your report he has been at war with most civs on and off, so the instant war-declarations don't hurt him a lot; he can't get good trade deals from Furious civs anyway.

On top of that; Beam would surely realise that nuking you is a good way to slow you down when you are so far ahead and do not have -yet- the nukes to strike back. If he doesn't; he'll be slipping further and further behind with no chance of catching up. His empire is just too small for that compared to yours.

So: be aware of strange things flying high.

Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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