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Old 05-07-2006, 16:17   #1
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Default Introducing a new team : Krys Olympic

Hello ! I've just received my team, after waiting for 10 days. It is called "Krys Olympic", like in that FIFA/McDonald's game for the WC. 'Olympic' because it is used for 2 great French teams : Marseille and Lyon, and also because it is a Greek name.

So now I'm already lost. I'm currently #8 in the French league VII.65, and I already have a match on Saturday ! Not sure if it is the beginning of a new season or what...

Also I'm asked to complete 24 tasks as a beginner, in order to get more money and unlock more content. The 1st task is to rename the arena, which is supposed to bring 5,000 €, but then they tell me it costs 4,000 € to do so. Also, in the economy page, it seems I have 50,000 €, and am ready to get 10,000 € more, to make that 60,000 €, is that right ?

Not sure if you can have access to all my pages, but anyway here is the link to my team, hoping it works :
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