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Old 17-10-2011, 15:34   #64
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First thing that comes to my mind: Training Def means you have 10 spaces. For PM you also have 10 spaces, but 4 are only at half speed, and you'd be playing without wingers, which means your offense will be limited to the centre.
Maybe, if you plan on buying some young players anyway, that guys should have some winging skill, s.t. you make them to off outer defs during your training process.

Otheriwse I don't see any flaw. Your wages grow quite slowly with your plan (but as your fanbase grows this might match your club's growth quite well), but you won't sell much. It's hard to predict how the transfer market will behave, your plan at least is quite independent from that as you'll mostly train for your team.

On the other hand, if the market skyrockets (maybe rather unlikely), you won't profit from that.
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