Thread: line-up
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Old 23-01-2004, 13:50   #1
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Netherlands.
Posts: 289
Default line-up

Hi, I have a question about my line-up. I would like to maximize my midfield performance, but I am not sure how this is measured.

For my next game against frewen 1 I wanted to play 3-5-2 (excellent experience) with Grondman (offensive, 5), Ooijer(extra inner mid, 4.9), Geijtenbeek (offensive, 5.1), Ernst (defensive, 4.5), Meessen (offensive, 4.5) My total midfield score is 23.9. I was wondering if this could give my a midfield rating higher than wretched or even higher than poor?

My opponent won his last match, getting about 6,5 stars on his midfield (he played 3-5-2, both wingers towards middle and a defender as extra inner midfield). Am I doing right also playing 3-5-2 and trying to outclass his midfield or should I play other tactics?

I also was considering to play PIC because in 2 weeks I play the number 1 in our league (I am second, 2 points behind) but I cannot affored to loose this game, so i'm not sure yet.

I welcome any opinion, pls respond. Thnx.
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