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Old 27-12-2008, 12:37   #6
Robi D
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Adelaide, Australia.
Posts: 2,060

In the meantime i will post the chages here since there is only 2. Underlined is additional for the 3.17 patch of BtS

Imports/Exports- (Vanilla and Warlords) The amount of commerce you get from trade routes to your cities is the Imports, the total amount of commerce other nations cities get from your cities is the Exports. In effect its counter intuitive, since you would expect that the money you get from other cities is from your Exports and the money other cities get is from your Imports, however it works the other way around, again this does seem strange but as I said before I’m not here to argue about it. Trade routes between cities in your nation are not counted. The Imports/Export are ranked by formula using the imports divided by the exports to get a ratio. If either or both are zero then it is treated as 1. That’s why you see a nation with a Imp/Exp ratio of 12/2 ranked better than a nation with a ratio of 155/35, because the ratio of Imports to Exports is higher (6 compared to 4.4). Personally I’d take the second one any day of the week because I would be getting a lot more money out of it.
(BTS) While the whole Import/Export calculation is the same its no longer ranked on ratio but an absolute number; Imports – Exports. So a negative number means other nations are making more money from trade route to you the you are from them.

You probably noticed the soldier values for units changed for 3.17 here are the new values

Factor 4- Units. Finally each unit type has a different amount of soldiers attached to it, so a warrior contributes 1000 soldiers, while a Swordsman is 3000 soldiers. Interestingly enough a units experience points has no bearing on the amount of soldiers it equates to. Units such as scouts, workers missionaries and spies contribute zero soldiers to the demo screen. Here is the full list of what you get for each unit;
(For BTS 3.17)
2000 soldiers – Warrior, Quechua, Galley
3000 soldiers – Archer, Trireme, Caravel, Carrack
4000 soldiers – Spearman, Impi, Holkan, Skirmisher, Bowman, Chariot, War Chariot, Immortal, Galleon, Airship
5000 soldiers – Catapult, Hwacha
6000 soldiers – Swordsman, Juguar Warrior, Gallic Warrior, Axeman, Dog Soldier, Phalanx, Vulture, Pikeman, Landsknecht, Longbowman, Horse Archer, Numidian Cavalry, Keslik, East Indiaman, Privateer, Guided Missle
7000 soldiers – Cho-Ko-Nu, Crossbow
8000 soldiers – Praetorian, War Elephant, Ballista Elephant, trebuchet, Frigate
9000 soldiers – Maceman, Samurai, Musketman, Musketeer, Janissary, Oromo Warrior
10000 soldiers – Berserker, knight, Camel Archer, Ship of the Line
12000 soldiers – Grenadier, Cataphract, Cuirassier, Conquistador, Cannon, Ironclad, Fighter
14000 soldiers – Missile Cruiser, Rifleman, Redcoat, Anti Tank, Machine Gun
15000 soldiers – Cossack, Cavalry
16000 soldiers – Transport, Carrier, Bomber
18000 soldiers – SAM Infantry, Artillary
20000 soldiers – Infantry, Stealth Bomber
22000 soldiers – Mobile SAM
24000 soldiers – Jet Fighter
26000 soldiers – Gunship, Mobile Artillary
28000 soldiers – Marine, Navy SEAL, Submarine
30000 soldiers – Paratrooper, Tank, Panzer, Destroyer, Stealth Destroyer, Attack Submarine, Tactical Nuke
32000 soldiers – Mechanized Infantry
40000 soldiers – Modern Armour, Battleship, ICBM
"I'm altering the deal, prey I don't alter it further" Darth Vader

"We shall defend what is ours.
We shall never surrender" --Kosovo is Serbia!
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