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Old 31-10-2007, 02:50   #4
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Thanks Mauer, I was really starting to wonder whether anyone reads this - despite the 400 views, many are probably just reflex openings from the active topic list. People need to play Civ3 more

To get Firaxis scores, I'd have to eat through Abe Lincoln and that's just not going to happen, the game is over. This was Regent or Monarch, not Emperor nor Deity, so they're hardly comparable to other scores from more "standard" games.

Scores on the last turn for each civ were

B the Mayan: 852
Soul the Greek: 641
Mithanga the English: 524
Lincoln the AI: 416
Blaze Injun the Ottoman: 407
GG/Sercer/Praetorian of Germany: 318
Catherine, Isabella: didn't care to remember, low.

Last turn F11:

And the 3 battle logs:
Entering Soul's Lair
Eating Soul
Cleaning up Germany

Key to those blitzkrieg was
1) Rails. You can't take over entire countries within a turn without rails.
2) Artillery. A redlined Rifleman has very, very grim chances against a veteran infantry (under 20% while fortified in a hill town, river crossing; 6% when in a flat town).
3) Plan. Watching where rivers are, where his defensive stack is, etc, sure helps coordinating things. Had I started Op Groovy Grizzly from the city all the way on the west coast (which I thought would have been better defended than the middle one, being near the other continent and farther away from reinforcements) I could have had his capital and nearly everything inland on the first turn.
4) Not being counter-attacked helps.
5) Using infantries and Guerillas. When you catch a break, are short on artillery and need to cover up, you send what leftover infantries and guerillas to the front door of the nearby cities, poised to strike after the next artillery wave. They have 6 attack too, so you save on fast movers.
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