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Shabbaman 09-08-2007 08:53

Shabby stuff goes here!
With this post I've reached the magical number of 5000 posts. To mark this milestone I made this blogthread, like some of you already have.

Let me start this thread by saying that while 5000 posts may seem a lot, it took me four and a half years to get there. Anarres almost got there in a year and a half, and I have little doubt Propain could've outspammed me if he hadn't had this invasion of little propains in his house. For me, these two are still the top posters, and it's a real pity they don't post here that often any more (or don't post at all). But I can understand how real life can catch up with you, cutting in your civ and forum time. My work takes most of the available hours as well, unfortunately.

Besides all this, the fact that I have more posts than Killer makes me feel like I've spent too much time here. Luckily I can console myself with the simple fact that he easily outspams me if we combine CDZ's and CFC's postcounts. Heh [:o)]

I'll make some time available in the future to add some rants to this threads. For now I want address something that some of you might bother as well: spambots (the real ones, not bclg), site design/content and the lack of vB. We've talked about this a lot, and for a while it seemed like Meli (with the aid of dr. A.?) would rework the site. Somehow I have the idea this plan was shelved, which bothers me. I'm going to look for some people who could work on this transition (because I can't do it myself, not even if I wanted to). Real life people, that I can punch if it's taking too long. Heh.


BCLG100 09-08-2007 14:30

Think ID is the biggest spammer of us all if you include here and cdz.

akots 09-08-2007 19:46

I'm having trouble getting even to 3 thousand. So, [goodjob] and [beer1]

mauer 09-08-2007 23:09

Spambots suck

Eat at Joes...

Beam 10-08-2007 01:09

For a couple of weeks now I'm back at my familiar 4th spot here with a lot of quality posts (ahum) but some indeed are catching up fast.

Very valid points you make about the site Shabba. I also recall your posts about half a year ago (iirc) adressing the lack of anything happening here. Right now I see a lot of healthy activity. Ok, we're not the leading Civ site but that was never the intention imo and we get enough recognition anyway.

Also quite a number of people (including myself) have been very active here, disappeared and reappeared. Most important imo those people got a very warm welcome back ERIKK being our most recent lost son (read that chapter in the Bible if I sound confusing). Of course I regret as you do we haven't heard shit about anar for a long time now, we also know about PP and Mel. In short imo this site has more than enough reasons to exist and florish.

Technical issues. Let's put it very plain. Most if not all of the shit works about 24/7 with some occasional outages. That's damned pretty good even more considering technical support is poor saying it nice. And imo that is a risk we are facing and also imo we need a person that can both improve running CDZ on a near daily basis (I mean technical) and make valid suggestions how to upgrade.

romeothemonk 10-08-2007 01:21

Hey, I like the blog thread. I have moved back and forth in the frequency of posts and activity on the site. This is still one of my favorite destinations on the web, and I hope I can continue to contribute somewhat to it.

BCLG100 10-08-2007 01:43

This is more often than not the first webpage i open up if im just idly browsing. I just wish more people would post damn spoilers! or just comment on mine more :)

romeo did you and sz manage to sort out the patching thing yet?

mauer 10-08-2007 01:50

Aye BC, although I'm a low man on the totem pole post-wise, I can verify that this is my homepage. I try to post at least once seriously and once stupid a day. Unfortunatly I'm averaging about 1.7 stupid and 0 serious per day. If I add "seriously" at the end of each post does that change the ratio?

Shabbaman 10-08-2007 08:13

Seriously Mauer, I doubt it.


quote:Originally posted by Beam

I also recall your posts about half a year ago (iirc) adressing the lack of anything happening here. Right now I see a lot of healthy activity.
I have no complaints about the number of daily posts. I think the overall problem with the site is that we don't have a lot to offer to new members, and that they layout makes it hard to figure out what is worth your while. Face it, the front page is crap.

Pastorius 10-08-2007 21:40

Tubby, Krys and Killer all have passed me, and yet I am the one they called a spambot back in the days.

I guess I can explain it in parts of:

I now have more rewarding work
We are expecting (the hotel unit has a pretty large belly now)
I am trying to not spend as much time on the computer at home, since I spend so much time on the computer at work (actually doing work btw [:p] )

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