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Aggie 22-02-2012 19:51

Season 48
New season, 1st cup match.

We played vs a bot and didn't get more than 2 goals. The opponent got none so we have the honour of playing another cup match next week.

More important: Yip Eldering played and didn't get injured.

Mistfit 22-02-2012 21:22

Can you say mother club money?

I have a bot as well this evening but after that it gets a bit trickier..

I have the only other Human to deal with the first match of the season so I will not likely be able to do much during the second cup game... I guess I could get lucky but this season will see me training 7 YA kids in defense most of the season.

socralynnek 22-02-2012 22:39

Won in overtime. Closer than expected, opponent had higher ratings, than I thought but I think, I could have won earlier anyway.

barbu1977 23-02-2012 01:46

1-9 win agaist a bot. One of my trainee got 1 week injury.

For some reason, next weeks match is not shown

Aggie 23-02-2012 08:47

Our next match will be tough already. We expect to lose that game, so we also can then focus on training, training, training...

BCLG100 26-02-2012 20:07

Won my cup match and first league match which was nice, even better no-one got injured!

Aggie 27-02-2012 08:01

Lost our first league match 0-4. Not bad at all, because we PiCed with our B-team against the strongst team of the league.

socralynnek 27-02-2012 08:14

Lost 3-4 at home in a game which could have been won. Looks like my team is a little too weak this season. I am not sure whether I'll wait with buying some new player or not.

arne1 27-02-2012 13:41

won first cup match 0-10. next match is way more difficult. I will not reach the opponents midfield, so I will counter. I should easily hold off his offense and be able to break through his defense. So I should be safe.
I tried to get a result in the league, but had a well deserved 2-1 loss. It looks like I am a bit weak this season and I am not planning to buy any reinforcements and am planning to sell some players, so it will be likely I will relegate.

Aggie 28-02-2012 08:33

I just bought myself two old strikers to enhance the weakest part of my team. Two more will follow. The total investment will be about 1 M.

Their salary is low and I hope to be more competitive now, to keep the fans happier than in previous seasons. With a little luck the additional crowd income will be so high that I will win back my investment in the strikers.

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