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Kingreno 13-02-2004 21:04

Kingreno vs ERIKK ****SPOILER***
specs: continents (2 or more), deity light, I play Iro, Erikk Sumeria.

The start was ok and I settled both setlers close to eachother so both can profit from the foodrich area, especially the wheat. I set one to a next setler and the other to warrior, one, then workers, six. The setler in Salamanca was to be send to the sea (nearby) to build a curragh. My scout warrior found the GREEKS.[aargh]
I have them on my doorstep a bit too often IMHO.
On research. I set science to CB at max which led to it in 10 turns, I did this because there are no religious civs in the game and besides trading it may even lead to a SGL. It did not. After it I went 100% writing.
With Greece I traded CB and Pot for 10g and BW. I met the Inca a turn later who gave me Mas for alpha which gave me WC from Greece. Greece is up The Wheel on me, I am par with the Inca.

I am still very small in area but as can be seen here, some other demographics seem to favor me: Note as well that Salamance has completed the granary and 6 workers are active. Also, the temple will be switched to settler.[hmm]. To prevent a very quick Incan neighbourcity.

As for Erikk, Ur is still size one, meaning he has no granary based on previous sizes. It might mean his second city is a setler fac, or, based on previous games, he mined the cow/wheat [lol]

Skyfish 13-02-2004 21:19

Erikk seems to have a strange aversion for early granaries !
So where's the curragh ? Is it built or rax first ?

Kingreno 15-02-2004 20:33

My Curraghs did well. Very well. I met the Dutch, who do not know the Greeks or Inca. I got great trades as they lacked writing but did have IW! That, again made me the techmaster. To make things better we were the first to Philo! By far![cool]
And a turn before that I met Erikk on his continent, needless to say he was not happy. I picked MM as my free tech and will put 2 Units on a boat soon. He will get a GA in despotism![evil]

Erikk thus has writing and no Palaceprebuilds for anything!

Skyfish 15-02-2004 21:32

Why should he have a palace prebuild and why in relation with Writing ? [confused]

Kingreno 15-02-2004 21:47

well, skyfish, it meant nothing particular, it are just things to "remember". after writing commes lit or MM both leading to usefull wonders. It is nothing "big".

Skyfish 15-02-2004 22:24

So lets see a pic of your empire and a minimap dude ! Please [love]

Kingreno 15-02-2004 22:52

And, more importantly, the mined wheat near Erikks capitol will soon produce 2 shields for 20 turns. [fdevil]

Skyfish 16-02-2004 06:18

Gotta love Despot GAs :D

Kingreno 14-03-2004 21:46

Still a highpaced PBEM, now at turn 140. so what happened?

Erikk was not too happy about my suicidal warrior triggering his GA. Even more, my spear decided too snoop around the mountains long enough so that I could get closer to his core. Finally we agreed a peace which left him in a despot-GA and me with a spear.:D
The peacetreaty will last till one of us enters the Industrial age!!![eek]

Okay, so we have some work to do. Comparing my situation to Erikks, his continent suits itself a lot better for quick conquest. As he can bribe one AI with him, to create a second front. Also, the Vikings and Hittites are far smaller then my Greeks and Inca, not to mention less of a threath on the sciencescale, since both are relatively beckwards.
On the bright side. I do see a bit more potential in my island, since it is a bit larger. Overall, it is good that Erikk has had his GA!

The situation: I am by far the most advanced guy on the block. Leading everyone by at least one tech. We are also a republic. And for joy, the Ducth landed two warriors on my turf last turn, declaring war when I asked them to go. Since I have over 30 MW at the Incan border I still decide to take on the Inca, and bribe Greece against the dutch. The dutch are on a separate Island so no real danger at all. I am aware, swiss mercs are not far away.


But no matter, we proceed. The Inca are strong. They are the largest civ and the only one where my mili is actually weak. So a nice target indeed.
In the meantime, Erikk is allying with the hittites vs teh Vikings, and with succes as he conqueres a city almost every turn!!
I must make haste and stretch my troops to the fullest. Cuzco and others finally fall.
The inca are defeated but for a 2-tile island city where at the time of my arrival by boat the worker was mining the hill[aargh]. This took him 19 turns, in which I had SEVEN flips....[cry]
I lost some MW but luckily most where outside their cities...The Portugese finally landed 8 horses near the Incan capitol to take it and finally killing them all.
The battle DID give me a great leader used for a FP in cuzco:

As I entered a GA the minute I became a Republic I attempted to get as many techs as possible. Greece got Feudalism as a free tech, so I got Mono in 8 turns, Lit in 4, Enginering in 8 and after trading for feudalism, chivalry in 8. I also got Monarchy form the Vikings for Feudalism.

Next, I declared war on the Greeks, roughly the time when Erikk declared war on the Hittites. The Greeks had a huge military (50 turns war with the Dutch, still going on) but I have Knights.
The damned Hoplites make for many casualties but on the bright side, we did get a second leader which was turned in an Army of Knights.:)

Also, on techs, several AI know Invention and Erikk may be one of them. I hold a chiv monopoly but will not give that away! My max on theo however:[goodjob]

[party] YES!!! And Sun Tzu's was built in Niagra Falls!

And even better, the turn before my armies want to attack athens, it builds LEO's, already having the MoM and even better, the almost (but not yet!!!) obsolete temple of artemis!

On techs: We lead everyone by Theology and next turn Printing Press. The AI (greece/Netherlands and probably Erikk too) have Invention (GP). I do not want to trade yet, since greece will already give it in the peacetreaty.
The lands:

And the minimap:

The Civs:
-Portugal (lila): Backwards backstabbers, no chance
-Hittites, (uppperleft): Putting up a decent resistance vs Erikk, holding their capitol AND forcing Erikk to peace!!:D Other then that, no chance
-Vikings: Should be dead, if I didn't have a settler/archer combo hostage in my lands.
Sumeria: King of their Island. strong but not as strong as me.
Inca: who?
Greece: sturdy, stupid, will die soon.
Netherlands: best AI, shitload of units, no Iron. dead soon.
Iroquois: strong


anarres 14-03-2004 22:52

Looking very strong, are you going to attack soon?

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