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Matrix 24-10-2005 16:21

PBEM/Pitboss list
Explanation of icons for the Pitboss games:
:) Alive and kicking
[xx(] Slain
[:o)] Lapdog
:( Mere survivor
:D The hero
;) Ass-kisser

Civilization IV

Running Pitbosses

Once More unto the Breach (spoiler)
Difficulty: prince
Map: fractal, large
Speed: normal
:) Beorn, Cyrus
:) Matrix, Charlemagne
[xx(] Vili, Washington
[xx(] jakeri, Julius Caesar
:) (MV I) ProPain/KingReno, Tokugawa
[xx(] socralynnek, Hammurabi
:) Sami, Genghis Khan
:) Lt. 'Killer' M., Napoleon
:) Jeke, Mansa Musa
[xx(] Tazca, Joao II

Finished Pitbosses

Cut the Crap (spoiler)
Difficulty: noble
Map: fractal, large
Speed: normal
:( (Plux) Stapel, Hatshepsut
[xx(] BCLG100, Kublai Khan
[xx(] NHJ, Saladin
:( socralynnek, Hannibal
;) akots, Wang Kon
[xx(] Nitro, Rangar
[xx(] Matrix, Elizabeth
:D Beam, Charlemagne
[xx(] barbu1977, Washington
[xx(] Robi D, Tokugawa
[xx(] IanDC, Gilgamesh

Rule the World II (spoiler)
Difficulty: noble
Map: Earth
Speed: normal
:( akots, Asoka
[xx(] BCLG100, Mao Zedong
[xx(] Robi D, Julius Caesar
:( (killercane) Shabbaman, Genghis Khan
:( grahamiam, Ramesses II
:( socralynnek, Shaka
[xx(] DanDRidge, Catherine
:( IanDC, Mansa Musa
:( NHJ, Huayna Capac
:( Matrix, Montezuma
:( Nitro, Sitting Bull
[xx(] Robboo, Pacal II
[xx(] Beam, Suryavarman II
:D Darkness, Ragnar

Texas Hold 'em (spoiler)
Difficulty: noble
Map: huge, archipelago, low sea level
Speed: normal
Options: no tech trading, no vassals
:) mauer, Frederick
:) BCLG100, Ragnar
[xx(] Matrix, Hannibal
[xx(] Robboo, Mansa Musa
:) IanDC, Elizabeth
[xx(] barbu1977, Willem van Oranje
:) Robi D, Justinian I
:) grahamiam, Tokugawa
[xx(] Bodean, Stalin
[xx(] killercane, Churchill
:) akots, Augustus Caesar
[xx(] Nitro, Saladin

Rule the World (spoiler)
Difficulty: noble
Map: Earth
Speed: normal
[xx(] mauer, Asoka
:D Robi D, Mao Zedong (gone into space)
:( BCLG100, Julius Caesar
[xx(] ProPain, Genghis Khan
:( Shabbaman, Saladin
:( Matrix, Shaka
:( akots, Catherine
[xx(] (Melifluous) killercane, Mansa Musa
:( Beam, Huayna Capac
:( Stapel, Montezuma
[xx(] Robboo, Roosevelt

CFC - OT (Warlords) (spoiler)
Difficulty: noble
Map: shuffle, large, temperate, medium sea level
Speed: normal
[xx(] Javy, Napoleon
[xx(] De Lorimier, Shaka
:D Sparta, Brennus (declared winner)
:( (Robboo) IglooDude, Wang Kon
[:o)] (Branagawa) AI, Tokugawa
[xx(] Davo, Stalin
:( azzaman333, Montezuma
[:o)] Kan_Sharuminar, Bismarck
[xx(] EdMcK515, Churchill
:( VRWCAgent, Qin Shi Huang
[xx(] Lord Shanemongous, Ragnar
[xx(] [s]IglooDude[/s] Matrix, Genghis Khan
[xx(] Elrohir, Cyrus
[xx(] Bazzo, Huayna Capac
:( BCLG100, Mehmed II
[:o)] (HitAnyKey) AI, Hannibal

Evolution Games (spoiler)
Difficulty: noble
Map: terra, huge, temperate, high sea level
Speed: normal
:( grimliin, Julius Caesar
:( (Taruka Wasuncha) (Great Cottus Arci) Kingpin, Huayna Capac
:( DaveShack, Montezuma
[xx(] Great Cottus Arci, Alexander
:( Herandar, Tokugawa
:( CB, Saladin
:( Emperor, Washington
[xx(] (HitAnyKey) Henry, Cyrus
:( (facehugger) Spike, Asoka
:D Corossol, Mansa Musa (gone into space)
:( Fosse, Elizabeth
:( fluffymatt, Isabella
:( Obey, Hatshepsut
:( niamor, Peter
:( (Rakkasan21) HitAnyKey, Bismarck
:( Matrix, Louis XIV
:( (FortyJ) Elucidus, Qin Shi Huang
[xx(] Steiner-Davion, Kublai Khan

32 players (spoiler)
Difficulty: noble
Map: continents, huge, temperate, medium sea level
Speed: normal
Players: DanDRidge, IanDC, Ionut, Conquistador45, NYURDRMS, Obey, Elucidus, HitAnyKey, Fosse, ThePumaman, CB, Necrominous, Wing Wah, Matrix, DaveShack, IglooDude, boc4j, Amethyst, Darius Silva [AI], fdsa [AI], Osmarchito [AI], Agemo, Unconquered Sun, Magzi, porkdiesel, fdsa, Studlybob, Bernout, porkdiesel, JMaltman, Spike, [KC]CanuckSoldier

CivDuelZone (meagre spoiler)
Difficulty: prince
Map: balanced, large, temperate, medium sea level
Speed: normal
:( BCLG100, Alexander
:( IglooDude, Kublai Khan
:( Robboo, Saladin
[xx(] Darkness, Qin Shi Huang
:D socralynnek, Julius Caesar (received love-letters)
:( (barbu1977) mauer, Catherine
[xx(] Matrix, Hatshepsut
[xx(] Tubby Rower, Huayna Capac
[xx(] RegentMan, Napoleon
[xx(] DaveShack, Elizabeth
;) Empire of the Dead, Mansa Musa
[xx(] grs, Cyrus
;) Whomp, Asoka

CivFanatics (spoiler)
Difficulty: noble
Map: balanced, large, temperate, medium sea level
Speed: quick
[xx(] DaveShack, Tokugawa
[xx(] grs, Gandhi
:( Robi D, Alexander
:D DaveMcW, Kublai Khan (gone into space)
[xx(] GeorgeOP, Napoleon
:( Whomp, Victoria
[xx(] Theoden, Huayna Capac
[xx(] AI, Hatshepsut
[xx(] Matrix, Cyrus
[xx(] (Bengeance) AI, Saladin
:( Bataar RegentMan, Bismarck
:( BCLG100, Montezuma
:( mauer, Isabella
:( Robboo, Qin Shi Huang
[xx(] Kuningas, Peter
[xx(] Meleager, Julius Caesar
[xx(] Sigma, Roosevelt
[xx(] Tubby Rower, Mansa Musa

Unfinished Pitbosses

Return to Duniapetu (spoiler)
Difficulty: noble
Map: tectonics, huge
Speed: normal
:) Elucidus, Pacal II
:) Amethsyt, Catherine
:) Munro, Gandhi
:) classical_hero, Genghis Khan
:) Corossol, Willem van Oranje
:) DaveShack, Wang kon
:) De Marchi, Qin Shi Huang
:) Emperor, Darius I
:) Fosse, Willem van Oranje
:) HitAnyKey, Willem van Oranje
:) IanDC, Mehmed II
:) Kingpin, Suleiman
:) Louis XXIV, Mansa Musa
:) Matrix, Augustus Caesar
:) (oyzar) AI, Julius Caesar
:) eirich, Ragnar
:) silcalix, Darius I
:) whiplash, Pacal II

Finished PBEM's

4+4 (spoiler)
Difficulty: monarch
Map: continents, standard
- Matrix, Genghis Khan
- Kemal, Mansa Musa (declared winner)
- grs, Huayna Capac
- Darkness, Qin Shi Huang
- AI, Julius Caesar
- AI, Montezuma
- AI, Washington

Human Geography (report)
Difficulty: noble
Map: standard, random => pangaea
- Matrix, Saladin (dominator)
- NHL, Genghis Khan
- AI, Cyrus
- AI, Huayna Capac
- AI, Alexander
- AI, Julius Caesar
- AI, Washington

Dead PBEM's

Ignition (spoiler)
Difficulty: prince
Map: wheel, standard
- Matrix, Louis XIV
- Darkness, Mansa Musa
- Romeothemonk, Montezuma
- grs, Qin Shi Huang
- AI, Hatshepsut
- AI, Victoria
- AI, Isabella

Rock on (spoiler)
Difficulty: monarch (I think)
Map: plains, small
- (1) Darkess, Genghis Khan
- (1) Matrix, Victoria
- (2) grahamiam, Alexander
- (2) BCLG100, Montezuma

Darkness 16-09-2006 14:41


quote:Originally posted by Matrix

- Darkness, ??? (China)
Matrix, I am Qin in the 4x4. :)

BCLG100 16-09-2006 17:55

And the big pitboss was noble level i believe :)

Matrix 17-09-2006 03:46

Thanks. :)

Pastorius 12-10-2007 12:36

Nice smiley usage there [goodjob]

Matrix 12-10-2007 14:20

Matrix 25-11-2008 14:38

Civilization III

Finished PBEM's

DDPP (complete report)
Difficulty: chieftain
Map: standard, pangaea, 80% water, warm, wet, 5 billion, roaming, unbalanced
Players (scores):
- Matrix, Stralanders/Vikings (145, 5th eliminated)
- Kemal, Persians (1638, winner by conquest)
- ProPain, Iroquois (246, 2nd eliminated)
- ERIKK/Skyfish, This/Americans (148, 3rd eliminated)
- Redwatch/Aggie/Killer/grs, Egyptians (166, 1st eliminated)
- Plux/Stapel, Japanese (212, 4th eliminated)

1on1 against anarres (spoiler)
Difficulty: emperor
Map: standard, random, balanced

Players (scores):
- Matrix, Vikings (426)
- anarres, Arabs (2797, winner)
- 6 AI (3 or 4 dead)

Tiny Chaos II (spoiler)
Difficulty: deity, with 2 settlers start
Map: tiny, pangaea (no chuck), warm, wet, restless, balanced
Players (scores):
- digger760, Greeks (639)
- Matrix, Stralanders/Vikings (1016)
- ProPain, Persians (605)
- Markstar, Iroquois (1016, declared winner)

Deathmatch III (spoiler)
Difficulty: emperor
Scenario: standard sized premade map, everything developed, all techs in the bag
Players (scores unknown):
- Matrix
- Beam (winner by domination)
- ProPain
- akots
- tunerica/Shabbaman

Fab Four (spoiler)
Difficulty: emperor
Map: standard, continents, 70% water, restless, lightly balanced
Players (scores):
- grs, Romans (1141, 1st eliminated)
- Banzai, Iroquois (2394, winner)
- Matrix, Germans (846, 3rd eliminated)
- romeothemonk, Celts (1251, 2nd eliminated)
- 4 AI (3 gone)

Cunctator (spoiler)
Difficulty: emperor
Scenario: Rise of Rome
Players (scores unknown):
- akots, Romans (declared winner)
- Arghis, Macedonians
- romeothemonk, Persians
- Matrix, Carthaginians
- 4 AI

1on1 against Shabbaman (spoiler)
Difficulty: monarch
Map: standard, random, balanced
- Matrix, Babylonians (declared winner)
- Shabbaman, Celts

Tiny Chaos III (spoiler)
Difficulty: emperor
Map: tiny, extreme archipelago, highly balanced
- digger760/Banzai, Japanese
- The_Mole/Arghis, French
- Matrix, Celts
- akots, Sumerians

Pound (spoiler)
Difficulty: emperor
Map: standard, continents, 70% water, average climate, raging, unbalanced
- Matrix, Sumerians
- grahamiam, Russians
- Haruka, Dutch
- StrictlyRockers/Emperor_V, Maya
- grs, Portuguese
- Kingreno/barbu1977, Aztecs

Peaky Seas
Difficulty: regent
Scenario: Rise of Rome, no military alliance with AI
- Dell19, Romans
- jack_merchant/rcoutme, Macedonians
- Stapel, Persians
- Metalhead/Matrix, Carthaginians

Deathmatch IV
Difficulty: emperor
Scenario: special (short explanation: start = end industrial age)
- akots, Romans
- Matrix, Egyptians
- Beam, Greeks
- Dell19, French

16+/Superfast (spoiler)
Difficulty: emperor
Map: standard, two continents, 60% water, balanced
- Engineer: romeothemonk & grahamiam & bed_head7, French
- Killers: Matrix & Lt. Killer M, Egyptians
- Brotherhood of Nod: Kemal & Eldakkar, Sumeria
- A-Team: barbu1977 & Melifluous, Chinese
- Milfhunter: Beam & Kingreno, Ottomans
- Gremlins: Banzai & Darkness & kryszcztov, Romans
- The Civant Alliance: Markstar & Whomp, Dutch
- Team Metal: bathsheba666 & Ville, Aztecs

Stuttgart/Balcony (spoiler)
Difficulty: emperor
Map: standard, pangaea, roaming, balanced
- GrilledBanzai, Iroquois
- SmallTrix, Iroquois
- Markstar, Iroquois
- Beam, Iroquois
- anarchokiller, Iroquois

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