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Aggie 03-08-2003 11:17

*Please read* - How to make a map request
This information was already posted by Dr Alimentado in antoher thread, but I think it deserves to be mentioned again:

Map Making Threads Protocols

Please include all these parameters in a map request:

CIV version:
PTW Maps can only be made properly in 1.14, so it doesn't matter which version you are playing as it will upgrade to the appropriate version on the first load.

In C3C Maps we will always have to skip the first turn of the user. No work-around found for that one yet :(

Player order
Player1: Name and civ choice
player2: Name and civ choice - will normally be set as player 5 in 8 player game (4 in 6 player game etc.) If you want it set differently please state which.

Difficuly Level:
As well as the normal levels there is also:

"deity/demigod/sid light"; deity/demigod/sid but with only 1 settler for AI.
"easy deity/demigod/sid"; deity/demigod/sid with +1 settler for human (credits for Stapel: he came up with the name ;) )

You can also specify other permetations, but then you should be very clear about what you want.

Map parameters:
Please state map size, land form, climate, temperature, age, barb level.
It will be assumed you want x-wrapping on and y-wrapping off unless stated otherwise.

Victory conditions and extra rules:
Unless stated otherwise it will be assumed you want:
- all standard conditions on
- no regicide, capture the princess and other multiplayer conditions
- civ-abilities on
- culturally-linked start off (may be impossible to change due to bug)
- ai-respawn off (may be impossible to change due to bug)

It goes without saying that we all play with preserve random seed on!

AI civs:
Unless you specify the mapmaker may well leave them as random, or maybe set them with their own discretion. This generally holds true for any parameters not specified too!

Other requests:
You may have additional request, like:
- Specific location request
- Shape of the land mass, east-west
- Continents should be seperated to assure no early contact
- Changes in the civilization specifics, like same UU for both humans (like both have berserks, or both have UU's with enslave capacity [:p] )

Everything is possible, as long as you are clear in your requests :) . Special request will take longer since these maps are harder to make.

Thread specs:
If all map preferences are ready then post the request and put '--MAP REQUEST--' in the title. Map mods will sticky threads as soon as they see them.

As soon as a mapmaker agrees to make the map, '--IN PROGRESS--'or similar should be put in the title, with the name of the mapmaker.

If the map is still under discussion then put '--MAP DISCUSSION--' or similar in the title. Then change it when all the parameters are posted.

When a map is made change the title to '--MAP MADE--' (or a map mod will if they make it) and we will unsticky it when we see it.

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