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ProPain 07-10-2003 11:16

DDPP - The mother of pbem! *spoiler*
I planned a spoiler for this one for along while.

We started this game 11 months ago and it is still running. We play with 6 players:
Kemal, ERIKK, Matrix, Aggie (he took over from Redwatch), Plux and myself.

Me and Matrxi got bonus settlers/villages early in the game. Matrix didnt really got the opportunity to make the fullest of this and got extorted by plux.

Kemal, erik and me are cooperating and sharing research and gold. We're way ahead of the other continent who are making war not love. I just turned republic and this is the screenie I got from f11. It's kinda flattered because I;m the only republic at present, but still it's funny.

digger760 07-10-2003 11:31

how is the top city figured out? Culture must have a lot to do with it. I expect with such a large city and with the great library you will climb the top5 city ladder. I know top city means F'all in the context of things, but its nice to be up there. I am coming last in the NH game, but Carthage was/has(??) been the Number 1 city for a good few hundred years:)

ProPain 08-10-2003 15:20

Top city is determined by culture only. Salamance rates low because my early temple got destroyed when I ran an unexpected cash deficit. :(

BUilding a new temple now (2 turns from scratch) More interesting is the fact that Sala is most certainly the production capital of the world now. Mounted warriors will be coming of that prod line soon

ProPain 11-10-2003 13:21

The Iroquois Empire

The narrow sea strait to the other continent

ProPain 20-11-2003 13:09

an update

Some interesting events took place the last few turns. Erik/Sky started their palace jump therefor disbanding quite some cities. Off course the other island was wondering what happened and Sky happily lied that Kemal and I are attacking him [lol]

Obviously that is not the case, I'm doing some build up and am preparing for war. I'm trying to build libs to keep a bit of cultural pressure on Kemal and research as fast as possible, also I'm building rax that will be followed by MW, lots of MW. I started pyramids in sala, but I think I'll use it as a prebuild for Leo's. Granaries are nice but cheap upgrading of MW -> knight -> Cav is very nice also. Added advantage is I can build MW even after CHivalry as long as I dont have a GA. So I'm thinking to build a huge army of MW and then upgrade cheaply to knight.

Not sure yet who's gonna be on the receiving end of that army to be. Apparently Aggie/Killer are on Plux's doorstep. Because Killer managed to quickly traverse thru Matrix's territory and Killer suddenlt go CoL and Rep I suspect matrix traded him the techs for protection. Apparently things are run Palermo style on the other island. Also rumours go around Killer isnt actually there to attack plux but is planning to backstab Matrix. We'll see what happens soon.

I'm also quite content with the f11 stats. Still no1 in productivity and literacy. Now everyone switched to republic that means I;m still doing ok.

digger760 20-11-2003 14:10

i see there is a nice coastal bridge to either matrix or killer...and if the rumours of killer and matrix fighing Plux are true..then maybe you can catch killer while his army is over to the west (while he is attacking plux or matrix).

If killer and matrix end up attacking could bring plux into an alliance. Keep us posted

Pastorius 20-11-2003 14:34

You Dutch people certainly are patient fighters.
11 months [eek]
Surely, someone has to hand out an award to the winner of this or something

Looks like u got yourself a nice empire there o oily one (propane [:p]
Whatcha going to do with Persia?

ProPain 20-11-2003 14:48

We have an island alliance I plan to honour. Which doesnt mean I'm ignoring Kemals expansion. He's doing a full fledged farmers gambit and has enough space to start an FP core to the NW jungle patch. Luckily it's jungle so even his indus workers will have a hard time. I thought about settling there myself and even staked a claim on a part of the territory, but I think it's better to start a second core on the second island or maybe very close to Sala (centralia for example). That last option makes my empire virtually corruption free which might be usefull when a war against Persia is inevitable. I'll need my prod cap then for sure.

For now I'm making sure I'm strong vs Persia to prevent a backstab, although I'm convinced Kemal wont break a treaty.

Beam 14-04-2005 22:27

Melifluous 15-04-2005 00:51


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