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Markstar 23-06-2005 17:09

16+ player: The Civant Alliance - SPOILER
Just to get things started....[cool]

First concern obviously has to be the choice of the tribe. I am afraid with the 5 (2+3) choices I got myself into a lot of trouble since this is really a tough decision.
It all depends on what the others choose - do they count on getting a good agri-tribe like Iros or Celts, are they just going for low-priority agri-civs (like Inca or Dutch) or maybe even no agri-civs at all and simply going for a decent other tribe?

The thing is, if we select a not-so-good agri-civ we risk that everybody else thinks so, too and maybe one team will actually get Iros then. Therefore I am in favour of selecting Iros as first pick, just to make sure nobody else selects them.

For the second choice we have to assume that some agri-civs have already been selected and only a limited amount is left. For that reason I am for Dutch as the second choice. They are, imho, the weakest agri-civ in C3C and for that reason there might be a decent chance that nobody else selects them. One thing is clear: Any agri-tribe is superior to any other tribe in the game. Also, the Dutch have one other advantage: Assuming that Iros get thrown out (or we would get them from our first pick), the Dutch are the only agri-civ that starts with Alphabet, thus there is a very good chance for winning the Philosophy race. [pirate]

The alternative is of course selecting two medium-ranked agri-tribes like Sumeria or Maya as the first two choices. But again, who is to say that the other teams aren't thinking the same?

I guess it's fairly save to say that if we'd select Dutch as first choice that would be a fairly save bet to actually get it since there are 8 teams and 7 agricultural tribes which give the Dutch pretty good odds imo.

Anyways, first two are hard, what about the other three picks?
Whomp favours Riders which means China.

While I like the Riders as well, I think I'd prefer the Arabians since they also have 3 movement points but in addition cost 10 shields less and the Arabians have the stronger traits imho.

But Chinese sounds fine as 3rd choice, how about Arabia as 4th and I was thinking Japan as 5th since Samurai are a very strong unit and the traits are o.k. (could be better).

Decisions, decisions... [ponder]

Whomp 23-06-2005 17:43

I agree with you on the Arabs over China.
I think everyone in their right mind would select the Iroquois and Mayans. I'd say go
1. Sumeria
2. Dutch
3. Aztec
If we can't get ag I think going fast unit is the key.
4. Arabs
5. Chinese

I like the Japanese UU and the wheel however religious and militaristic seem like such poor trait combos.

Markstar 23-06-2005 18:06


quote:Originally posted by Whomp

I think everyone in their right mind would select the Iroquois and Mayans.
Mmh, I think it would be more like everybody would select Iros and Celts. Anyways, the problem is: What if everybody else thinks so, too and in the end nobody or just one other team selects them?


I'd say go
1. Sumeria
2. Dutch
3. Aztec
If we can't get ag I think going fast unit is the key.
4. Arabs
5. Chinese
We can't select Aztec as 3rd option since only the first 2 can be agricultural!

And Sumeria? I dunno, the problem is that their UU will get us into trouble since somebody will try to trigger an early GA and I don't think we can afford that.


I like the Japanese UU and the wheel however religious and militaristic seem like such poor trait combos.
Well, militaristic certainly sucks (only better than Expansionist and Seafearing), however Religious is a very strong trait imho, especially because of the skipped/reduced anarchy.

Whomp 23-06-2005 18:22

Good point on the Sums. Same for the Aztecs and Mayans potentially.
The religious could be useful going from republic to monarchy or vis a vis. How about this then
1. Iroquios (just in case)
2. Dutch (at least a MA GA and philo possibility)
3. Arabs (fast unit in the MA and good other traits)
4. Japanese (same but with mil. trait)
5. Chinese (fast unit in the MA again)

Markstar you may want to tell people on your first post to not read in this thread.

Markstar 23-06-2005 19:19


quote:Originally posted by Whomp

Good point on the Sums. Same for the Aztecs and Mayans potentially.
The religious could be useful going from republic to monarchy or vis a vis. How about this then
1. Iroquios (just in case)
2. Dutch (at least a MA GA and philo possibility)
3. Arabs (fast unit in the MA and good other traits)
4. Japanese (same but with mil. trait)
5. Chinese (fast unit in the MA again)

Markstar you may want to tell people on your first post to not read in this thread.
- Now Japan ahead of China? Fine by me, but I thought you preferred the Riders (actually I think I do, too). Btw, Mayans are not so bad when it comes to triggering a GA since you can always build warriors to avoid that.

- I highlighted the "Spoiler". ;) We have to decide if we want two seperate threads (one with a spoiler and one with internal discussions) or simply one thread. Whatever you want, but if you decide that one thread is enough then the SPOILER in the topic should be sufficient imo since everybody ought to know here not to read a spoiler while they are part of the game. In case we want this thread for just us, I can always limit the access for other users (except admins iirc)

- We still have to decide on a name, did you get my email(s)?

Whomp 23-06-2005 19:55

Sorry I haven't checked my email in probably a week.
As far as names go, at CFC I am known as one of the idiots. My title says academia fatui or academy of idiots. What were you thinking?

The reason I changed my view on the Japanese is in a human vs. human there seems to be an advantage having the capability to change governments like you said. Not needing horses is an added benefit. I like the riders because I've always had good success generating leaders with them. Really it's just a random thing though.

Mistfit 23-06-2005 22:53


quote:Not to threadjack but Markstar and I need a logo for our 16+ PBEM and I call "shotgun" as the first to ask you for one
What are you looking for?

What size?
What Name?

Gimme Ideas and requirements/

Whomp 23-06-2005 23:26

We are called the The Civant Alliance.
Banner I say yes.
Size? Dunno. How about intimidating size whatever that is.
Avatar? I need a new one for here and Markstar doesn't have one.

Make us the coolest! You are good at that.

Mistfit 23-06-2005 23:33

I'm going to be away from my creativity computer for a bit so it may be until early next week before I can get to this but I will do this for my orc brethern latest tuesday.

@Markstar ~ any ideas for an avatar?

Whomp 23-06-2005 23:58

Thanks Mistfit!!

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