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ProPain 16-10-2003 11:52

PP vs Killer II - deity light *spoiler*
Killer and I started a rematch. We agreed on the mapmakers making up a map and we picked each others civ. So I choose the English for Killer and got aztecs from him in return

So that means we both will have a hard time getting a decent GA. For me it will probably be too early, Killer can only get it from wonders so it will be a late one. But if he gets a GA it will at least be usefull, so I'm gonna try an avoid that.

After a few turns Killer complains about an AI being just 6 squares away, I get a strange feeling and in turn 11 I see a border popping up too. Greeks a few squares away [aargh]

I can contact Alexander in turn 12 and buy BW for WC, CB and 11 gold. IN the interturn I see a yellow scout moving in. A second close AI !!!

Aggie 16-10-2003 11:55

As soon as you get the feeling that one of you has a worse position than the other, I like to volunteer to check the map...

ProPain 16-10-2003 12:26

I dont think one has a worse position than the other, I think we both are caught between rock and a hard place.

So maybe I get lucky and Killer declares war a bit to soon again like in our first game.[lol]

ProPain 17-11-2003 10:28

and here's a screenshot from the current situation.

It seems I'm on an island with the greeks and mongols. The mongols are quite weak and a small bit of land that's easily defendable seperates me from them. The greeks present a whole different story. They popped a hut next to wheated flood plains (arrow no 1) and got a settler or town. bye, bye primary 2nd city site. Their capital is also quite well of in the food department so they spread like the bubonic plague [aargh] Even taking another prime spot in my first ring (arrow no2). Luckily they didn't settle on the spot that I wanted and so I managed to settle on my preferred spot, whip a temple and squeeze a cow from their first 9 tiles.

After settling on the incense, I'm gonna prepare for war. All my cities have barracks and iron is next to ProPainitlan The hill where the worker is on in the pic). The good thing about being the aztecs is that I can keep building cheap JW for upgrade even after connecting the iron as long as I dont get a GA. I plan to take the arrowed towns and then go for peace, my guess is the greeks are too strong to take out in one strike.

After hurting them I plan to build up and deliver the final blow. One good thing is I can easily attack the Greeks from my own territory at arrow no2.

One disturbing fact is that I don't see any horses on my island [???]I hope there will be some in the fog somewhere. Although it isn't that bad now, I'd rather fight those wretched hoplites woth swords than horsies and the upgrade scheme only works with JW/swords anyway.

ProPain 17-11-2003 10:46

1550BC, I see a greek warrior attacking a mongol scout followed by a greek warrior that attacks a (presumably) mongol unit in the f.o.w. and losing. :D This means the greeks will probably be in their GA alrdy which is also better for me.

ProPain 18-11-2003 22:19

It seems they made peace only a few turns later after some units died on both sides. I'm thinking the greeks didnt get a GA. At least I didnt see a hoplite win a battle, I only saw one turn around when things got nasty.

ProPain 26-11-2003 11:10

925 BC

I'm ready to attack Alex, troops are in place to attack Delphi and Sparta Both towns will be razed and homegrown settlers will take their places. Sparta because it's too big and to close to Athens, Delphi because the placing os horrible.

And while I'm thoroughly enjoying myself becasue of the upcoming attack I see this [aargh][eek] Those damn Mongols are sending an SoD!!!

And this it what it looks like in detail

I send all spare troops te defend Texcoco and hope they will pass. They don't have war with Alex, but have been at war with him before, so maybe this is a revenge mission. They act polite to me but that doesnt mean a thing.

750 BC
The Mongols have passed and declared war opn alex. Although I'm glad they didnt turn on me I'm not too happy aboutthis either. THOSE GREEK CITIES ARE MINE! PISS OFF!

His first SoD has suffered major losses and didnt take a city. I'm blocking his 2nd SoD so I can attack first. My 24 swords took Deplhi and Sparta with ease and off course Alex keeps sending small batches of troops my way that are easy pickings. He's prepared to talk peace, but I'm not done yet. Also I'm pretty sure Alex went into GA because his army seems to grow stronger pretty quickly so I guess he didnt have a GA before :(

I intend to take at least 2 more cities (Herakleia and Knossos) and hopefully also Athens. I have 22 swords So that should do the trick

Please note the arrows on Herakleia are wrong, I intend to move to square NE of incense right away and then take Hera.

The all white arrow points at the remains of the 1st mongol SoD

Skyfish 26-11-2003 11:16

22 swords ? What year is it ?
Where did you get all that money man ?

ProPain 26-11-2003 11:37

It's 750BC and I made some money of greeks and mongols for Poly. Also I saved up during poly research and micrmanaged my builds between swords and JW's so I didn't too many JW's I couldnt upgrade.

I didnt have any other choice. No horses, no expansion space. So instead of building settlers I built swords. I;m now connecting erdenet and consequently the Mongol capital. Once that is done I can trade incense, make more money and nbuild more JW's to upgrade.

I intend to prune the mongols once I;m done with the greeks. I dont want them to grow to powerfull (if not alrdy so)

ProPain 27-11-2003 14:28

470BC - The War on Olives

My troops are slicing thru Greek defenses like a knife thru butter. The war on olives will soon be won.

In the meanwhile out scouts have contacted the rest of the world including Killer (orange in Minimap). The Bad news: He's huge in land compared to me!! His island had boith iron and horses where mine only has Iron [aargh][confused][crazyeye]. Very weird cuz horses never disappear. Seems the mapmaker pulled a sick joke (or wasnt paying attention). Also his island is much bigger.

The good news: He was 6 techs behind when I met him. That was reallty weird because I'm alrdy as backward as can be. I traded, he traded. I'm now a bit backward (missing constr, curr, monarchy, republic and some starting MA techs) but Killer's still 3 techs behind me.
Also the greeks alrdy offer me Republic, Constr, Curr, 112 gold, 4gpt WM and 2 towns for peace.

Everybody is building the great lib, with best chances for egygpt and greece. Greeks are building it in COrinth so I'm gonna leave that alone for awhile. If I get a great leader I'll use it to rush the library because Killer is buildiong up for attack on Cleo and I dont want him to lay his hands on GLib and be back in tech. The mongols are doing a sucky job against the greeks. I let their 2nd SoD pass, but it's alrdy gone while attempting to take Ephesus (1 pop town). That's what you get attacking Hoplites with archers and warriors.

The Game plan : I'm gonna take Pharsalos and Argos and make peace for all techs, gold and towns. Unless I get great leader then I'll take Corinth too.

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