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barbu1977 16-05-2013 17:34

Season 52
I could have got caught on my first cup match.

In the inter season, Canada div 6 was removed therefore removing the first 2 games VS bots. So I was playing a human player. Fortunately, I had my A team on the field and in the end it was a easy win.

I'm already playing a team similar to mine next week. Flag chasing may come early this season.

BCLG100 17-05-2013 10:15

I won my first cup game but my best defender was injured which was annoying.

socralynnek 17-05-2013 22:57

Won my first cup game.

With both teams (easy opponent for my first team, bot opponent for my second team in Paraguay)

akots 17-05-2013 23:18


Originally Posted by barbu1977 (Post 139007)
... In the inter season, Canada div 6 was removed therefore removing the first 2 games VS bots. So I was playing a human player. ...

Div6 is still there in the USA, so no problem here in the first round. But second round already gives me an almost equal opponent.

I have not noticed how, but all my midfielders are so old that their PM skills have dropped to formidable-excellent. They still get 5 stars due to experience and loyalty but I've got to replace them all with some half-decent younger guys of around world class level. Which would cost close to 5 mil at least. Not sure what I'll do. Maybe just winter another couple of seasons as is. I'm not going to go below of what I have now. And it is hard to predict that this heavy investment is paying off or not.

BCLG100 20-05-2013 12:02


Originally Posted by akots (Post 139023)
Div6 is still there in the USA, so no problem here in the first round. But second round already gives me an almost equal opponent.

I have not noticed how, but all my midfielders are so old that their PM skills have dropped to formidable-excellent. They still get 5 stars due to experience and loyalty but I've got to replace them all with some half-decent younger guys of around world class level. Which would cost close to 5 mil at least. Not sure what I'll do. Maybe just winter another couple of seasons as is. I'm not going to go below of what I have now. And it is hard to predict that this heavy investment is paying off or not.

Is that being US nationals?

My trainees are hitting ET and more but are still only worth 1.5million each. It's a little depressing!

akots 20-05-2013 20:14


Originally Posted by BCLG100 (Post 139032)
Is that being US nationals?

My trainees are hitting ET and more but are still only worth 1.5million each. It's a little depressing!

That is about right. 1.5 mil or slightly more with passing and agreeable personality x 3 = 5 mil or more. US nationals are too hard to get, I gave up on that.

arne1 21-05-2013 09:13

easy win in cup and convincing win in the league for first team.
easy loss in cup and convincing loss in league for second team also in the Netherlands.

barbu1977 21-05-2013 15:14

Disappointing 1-1 tie. After the game, HTMS gave me 85% win prob and HTEV 89%

Better luck next time.

socralynnek 21-05-2013 15:43

Won with both teams.

For the first team, that was not surprising, as I was playing at home.

With the second team, I got lucky with the tactics, as I beat a team that is also fresh, but a few days older, away.

arne1 27-05-2013 11:01

out of cup, because of last day reinforcements by opponent (lost 2-1). If I would have noticed 5 minutes ealier I would have been able to adjust tactics.

won league match and am 2 points in front of #2.
Second team won against the team that is trying to get al the special achievement points first. Still My second team is only stronger than this team and a bot-team at the moment

barbu1977 27-05-2013 17:22

Lost the cupmatch that could have gone both ways.

Easy win in the league as my opponent decided to pic.

BCLG100 28-05-2013 12:04

3-3 draw in the league away. Probably lucky to draw in the end.

A nice home draw in the cup this week gives me the possibility of going through.

About to change my training to passing but probably wont be much else happening this season for me.

akots 29-05-2013 00:51

I've bought one midfielder. Should get me through round 3 of the cup. If it happens, I might just buy another one. Also, playing matches at home really help. And I can sell these midfielders with minimal loss after being kicked out still gaining good income.

Shabbaman 29-05-2013 08:20

I didn't set a lineup, but my standard lineup picced and won :D

Anyway, I figured out it might be more interesting to sell all valuable players, relegate four divisions and get filthy rich in the meanwhile, and then spent all money at once, creating huge inflation. If we all do this, this might even work.

BCLG100 29-05-2013 18:00


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 139049)
I didn't set a lineup, but my standard lineup picced and won :D

Anyway, I figured out it might be more interesting to sell all valuable players, relegate four divisions and get filthy rich in the meanwhile, and then spent all money at once, creating huge inflation. If we all do this, this might even work.

Don't you already have 20million sitting in the bank?

barbu1977 29-05-2013 18:31

I'm at 27 millions, there must be something to do with that. Maybe win the CDZ cup for once.

Shabbaman 29-05-2013 19:40


Originally Posted by BCLG100 (Post 139052)
Don't you already have 20million sitting in the bank?

Not enough.


If a team has at least 60 mil. € it is possible to buy bonds in Banque Sunesson. 1 bond costs 10 mil. €. The team must have at least 50 mil. € left after the purchase to be able to buy bonds.

Bonds does not give any interest or other advantages. There is no risk involved in buying bonds. It's just a way of storing money. You can however earn team achievements when buying bonds.

akots 30-05-2013 02:42


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 139055)
Not enough.

In Netherlands certainly not enough. But 27 mil in Canada should be quite enough for a major push.

akots 30-05-2013 02:44


Originally Posted by akots (Post 139048)
I've bought one midfielder. Should get me through round 3 of the cup. ...

A little but overdone because opponent apparently picced or just played second team. But mid-second half I'm leading 7-0. Anyhow, we'll wee what next round brings. With another midfield, I can probably handle an average Div III team at home. But there should be some Div IV left to play.

akots 30-05-2013 06:48


Originally Posted by akots (Post 139059)
... I can probably handle an average Div III team at home. ...

Alas, I'm facing a well above average Div 3 team with 360 stars in A squad. Would probably need to replace everything to beat him. The only hope is that he plays his B team which he did last round of the cup and barely won.

Shabbaman 30-05-2013 07:33


Originally Posted by akots (Post 139058)
In Netherlands certainly not enough. But 27 mil in Canada should be quite enough for a major push.

Actually, I was more thinking about giving the economy a push than pushing to higher divs.

BCLG100 30-05-2013 10:11

I have 750k so send some of it my way.

arne1 30-05-2013 14:58


Originally Posted by akots (Post 139060)
Alas, I'm facing a well above average Div 3 team with 360 stars in A squad. Would probably need to replace everything to beat him. The only hope is that he plays his B team which he did last round of the cup and barely won.

I assume you mean 360 hatstats here, since 360 stars seems a bit excesive. But 360 should give you a small chance to win.

akots 30-05-2013 21:51


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 139061)
Actually, I was more thinking about giving the economy a push than pushing to higher divs.

That economy won't be pushed by anything. It lives its own weird life. They give more money to the system, people start saving. The give less money to turn around, prices go up and everyone starts complaining that they cannot buy anything. Now, you can buy anything but salaries are still prohibitive.

I presume that if a Div I in the US all consists of clubs with players over 30 in their vast majority, with high skill, low salary and relatively low price, nothing is going to help.

akots 30-05-2013 21:56


Originally Posted by arne1 (Post 139063)
I assume you mean 360 hatstats here, since 360 stars seems a bit excesive. But 360 should give you a small chance to win.

Chance is there but that chance is miniscule. The guy also sometimes plays 2-5-3 with titanic attack ratings. I need to get to at least brilliant + defense on both sides to be able to counter that. Also, his club is No2 in the US in some overall rating according to foxtrick. So, I might be facing WC midfield + titanic attack on left and right. Would have to spend all the money for a fair game. But hopefully, he'll take it easy and will field his B squad. Chance of that is actually higher.

arne1 02-06-2013 23:19

picced to an easy 5-0 win. Finally scoring in my top 15 rating-list again. It seems that my plan to return to 4th is starting to work.

BCLG100 03-06-2013 12:08

Won 4-0 to remain 2nd. Winnable cup game in the week provided nothing goes wrong, that'll bring some nice income!

barbu1977 03-06-2013 15:05

Pic and Lost as expected.

The bad news, is that the team I tied in the fist game of the season just turned Bot. This means everybody will have 2 more points than me.

arne1 04-06-2013 11:59


Originally Posted by barbu1977 (Post 139075)
Pic and Lost as expected.

The bad news, is that the team I tied in the fist game of the season just turned Bot. This means everybody will have 2 more points than me.

I though this only happened in week 1 week 8 and week 16?

barbu1977 04-06-2013 15:07

You are correct, the team "does not have a human manager" and is not a bot yet.

Apparently the fact the other teams won 5-0 and 6-0 and that I tied 1-1 is due to the match engine :(

BCLG100 05-06-2013 10:04

Won my cup game to move in to the 5th round. Equalling my best cup run. Looks like it'll end here though as, according to foxtrick, i'm facing the 45th ranked team. To put in to context I am ranked 1036...

Shabbaman 05-06-2013 10:46

Some bastard injured both my number 10's (yes, I play with two technical defensive forwards), so I had to put up with an elderly 10 and an elderly FC. That hurts my attack and midfield ratings, but this sunday I still beat last season's number two. This season's strategy is piccing away and normal at home.

akots 05-06-2013 20:46

I've bought a nice titanic midfielder for the cup match today. That should give me close to 300 starts and I'm going to mots as well. It'd be nice to beat this strong of a rival.

The question is what to do next when and if I win. I can buy a couple more players for about 3 mil and try to promote myself to Div IV first and then see how it goes. Overall, the prices vs skill are very attractive on the transfer market. So, maybe a good time to buy players. If their salaries are affordable. But so far, it has been quite a bargain.

akots 06-06-2013 04:12

He played the B team and I won albeit barely. Still, getting to round five give some nice extra income. I think now, I'm toast. Have to play against a number 2 in major league. His A team has about 425 stars and his B team ... is quite possible to beat even in my half-sorry condition.

Any kind of input is appreciated. Looks like I can beat his midfield and I have some cash to invest into whatever makes sense. But if he fields half of his A team, I'm toast. Main hope is for overconfidence of the guy.

socralynnek 10-06-2013 00:07

Both teams played 0-0 this weekend. Must be pretty seldom. For both teams, this is ok.

First team is still in the cup but every round could be the last...

BCLG100 10-06-2013 16:37


Originally Posted by socralynnek (Post 139097)
Both teams played 0-0 this weekend. Must be pretty seldom. For both teams, this is ok.

First team is still in the cup but every round could be the last...

Won 0-4 to move up to first in the league. I think i have the best team in the league, providing no injury shockers i should be able to win it this year. Whether i can compete at the next level or not is a completely different matter!

Mistfit 16-06-2013 14:43

@ akots - Close match in score anyway. Congrats on the nice cup run this season. BTW I am surviving in div IV with stats similar to yours :D

akots 17-06-2013 02:35

I've actually posted right after the game but then there was a database error and the post just disappeared.

Yes, I had a fair chance even with his substitutions from team A. Too many missed opportunities. It was a good game anyhow, so no regrets for buying these 3 players. I think I'll keep them.

IMO, it is better to be in top 3 spots in Div 5 than somewhere in the second half of Div 4. I had trouble there making cash and keeping the performance. Basically, you don't make any money at all there whereas here, I make around 2-3 mil per season without lifting a finger.

Mistfit 17-06-2013 02:57

I have been doing surprisingly well in the IVth division I am not in 2nd place and will play against the #1 side at home next week. I should beat him pretty handily. How many seasons will you sit and wait?

Mistfit 17-06-2013 14:53

I had a look at my finances for the season so far just to see what I could see.

Fan club: 2 438 members
Fan mood: Sending love poems to you (11)
Season expectations: Every day in this division is a bonus (1)

Keep in mind I just won an unexpected match so the love poems is new :D Also I have been adding 4-6 fans per update.

Just taking into effect sponsors and match takings (I just ended a double away week which I will make up later in the season with the double home)

Match takings: 1 219 554 US$
Sponsors: 666 210 US$
Total Income: 1 285 754 US$

Wages: 476 750 US$
Staff: 270 000 US$
Other: 18 600 US$
Youth scouting: 100 000 US$
Total Expenses: 865 350 US$

Income: 420 404 US$

This is not fantastic but I have only had 2 home matches this season. I am making close to 1/2 million per home match which I will have five of them to play this season. If I had to guess I would say I will end up making 1.5 mil this season with no player sales.

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