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Whomp 09-08-2007 01:33

***BTS civivor Pitboss Balding Nation Spoiler***
Tubby and I have decided to team up and take on the world. We'll need help!!
Everyone playing in this game stay away!!!

I've messed around with Mali this past weekend to test out espionage. I've found using spies can be a pretty powerful as I stole IW and wrecked some happy pills for Izzie. The strategy was to get some of the basic techs in place and then beeline to alphabet.

With this start going for BW seems to make a lot of sense since we have so many trees (let's hope we don't get a forest fire like Izzy did). I thought it was best moving the warrior 1E to the hill and found a hut. It also gave us some view of more hills to the south. Thinking we'll need to have some hills for production I moved the settler 1E. Tubs said do as I wish and that's what I did.

Here's the start....

Please provide the two guys short on hair with lots of guidance. We'll need it!

mauer 09-08-2007 01:41

I think you need tanks. Really, what are you gonna build first? I'd almost say start a worker first, but that's just my uneducated guess. Just thinking out loud, ignore as you see necessary :D

Tubby Rower 09-08-2007 12:12

I checked the save this morning to make sure that we at least did something this first turn. Is there anything that you know of about whether or not Goodie Huts give better results with no cities vs after you have settled. The one bad thing about moving east is that the extra food from the bananas can't be used to increase pop.

I presume that we'll definately be settling where we are now correct? Looking at the flow of the rivers, there are coasts (or lakes) both to the south and the north. That jungle sucks. The first thing that our worker needs to do is chop that forested hill. That could offer superb protection to an attacking warrior.

Whomp 10-08-2007 00:31

Ahh...hadn't thought short term about food. Sorry. I agree we need to get chops up and running and makes me think we should start worker first and keep the warrior pretty close. I have no idea what will come from a hut but I could've sworn that barb warriors don't pop this early. Not sure but hopefully you'll be on tonight to discuss.

Whomp 10-08-2007 00:37

Worker first won't matter whether it's banana or forest as Mauer pointed out.

Tubby Rower 10-08-2007 12:28

the GH gave us 69 gold. I didn't settle as we were still deciding. I just didn't want to screw up on turns 1-3.

Whomp 11-08-2007 19:48

I'm thinking we should chop our way to the nanners while we research agriculture. What should our first chop be?

Tubby Rower 11-08-2007 21:30

imo, that forested hill as I'm scared someone would use that as a fortification point to assault our capital

Whomp 11-08-2007 23:18

Hmm...I'd be inclined to park a warrior on that hill because a move to a grass forest then to nanner would give more efficient worker turns and it will really help growth. I think it's worth the risk of a early attack.

Tubby Rower 12-08-2007 01:11

ok. as I've stated before... I'm still learnin

Whomp 12-08-2007 01:36

Heh...believe me I'm not perfect and it's why we should talk these things out. BTW we met France! It's Little Corporal who hasn't signed in yet iirc. He's probably a weak neighbor so we may think about whether we want to dispose of him early. [charge][butcher]

Tubby Rower 12-08-2007 02:24


Pastorius 12-08-2007 21:23


Go go baldy heads. GO!

Whomp 16-08-2007 01:28

Tubs I'm afraid to attack France without a little offense and defense. We could chop a archer rush but I'm not sure that works.
ID has a rule where we can't attack in the first 10 turns anyhow.

mauer 16-08-2007 02:22

Screen shots! Screen shots!

Tubby Rower 16-08-2007 12:03

How about this one Mauer??

mauer 16-08-2007 21:57

Awesome. Let's see, watch out for the barbarian tiger, barbarian galley w/cow infantry, and watch out for the commies.

failedreality 16-08-2007 23:18

lmao - that was great tubby

Tubby Rower 17-08-2007 22:44

ok. after initially looking like we'd lose out on the GH that appeared after our borders popped, it now appears as though we'll get it. :) if France declares on us, I think that we're screwed though :(

Whomp 18-08-2007 17:44

Well I'm not sure if the AI will declare that early and would make for a interesting discussion with the no war for 10 turns rule.

Beorn 18-08-2007 18:16

Btw, why a worker at size 1? It's much more efforts than doing it at size 2 or 3 esp since you don't grow...

Pastorius 18-08-2007 18:18

Great name for a city :D

Whomp 18-08-2007 23:22

Beorn--the idea behind the worker is mainly due to the number of forests we have. We'll be able to chop units and plant farms quite quickly by having that early worker. It's a gambit we're willing to take.
I sent Little Corporal a message asking "what's next"? We'll see how he responds.
He also double moved on us and took out the goody hut. He didn't get a tech or his score would've increased.

Paalie--Tubs is quite creative. [:p]

Tubby Rower 20-08-2007 03:20

I figure that we could possibly dump a couple chops into a settler or even another worker and make up for the delay in the growth from size 1.

and Whomp named that city not me [devil]

Tubby Rower 30-08-2007 23:28

I switched the production to a settler this turn to dump the chop shields into a settler instead of getting a warrior. We ought to be ok defense-wise and it'll give us a boost on claiming area. We should switch back next turn.

Whomp 31-08-2007 16:38

Good idea. I would mind getting that copper site up and running fast.

Whomp 23-09-2007 16:44

OK we have some very interesting turns coming up.
We'll have the skirmisher done in the capital next turn. Another can be rushed in 3 turns in the copper city. The worker is mining (4) then roading (2) so we can chop a axe after that. Maybe a combo skirmisher/axe timing wise.

I think our power graph says he doesn't have BW. We only have 3 warriors out to his 1 visible.

I'm thinking an. husbandry after pottery due in 6.
Good plan or bad plan?

Beorn 23-09-2007 16:53

2 cows in sight, one in borders, potential for horses, good idea to me. Getting an early chariot rush could work.

Whomp 23-09-2007 17:14

With the elephants we'd also have the benefit of WE's. I'm wondering if I should heal a turn with our warrior on the hill...go out of sight for two turns and come back and take the worker just as the skirmishers are approaching. He'll have to pop rush (though I'm not sure he can) to avoid complete destruction.

I could be off but some discussion is necessary.

Tubby Rower 26-09-2007 11:55

I'll log in to the game tonight and look around. I was traveling Sunday and spent time with my family Monday & Tuesday. Attacking early has always seem to bite me, but it could be to my lack of foresight. I'm up for trying it though.

Whomp 27-09-2007 01:32

Tubs I think the difference here is we have to 4 attacks hitting one 2 attack. I think if we win that land is huge.

Tubby Rower 01-10-2007 22:02

Are we moving this turn? There's 13 more hours left for this turn and we have 3 skirmishers to the SE of France and a warrior to the SW.

Beorn 01-10-2007 22:41

Hate to bring this up but your main stack will fight across a river ... it shouldn't matter against 2 warriors though.

You have 2 moves to make before you attack, so what's the plan? Move, then declare-move-attack or move, declare/move, attack-attack ?

Tubby Rower 01-10-2007 22:42

well couldn't we go to the tile 1 E of Paris so that we'll still be in the forests and be attacking without the amphib. penalty?

Beorn 01-10-2007 22:43

Yup, though you lose a turn of surprise.

Whomp 01-10-2007 23:47

I think the key is hitting him fast. If he doesn't bring another warrior into Paris then we attack with a warrior first then the skirmishers. If he brings a 2nd warrior then we cross the river and attack without the river defense.

Tubby Rower 07-10-2007 03:52

ok now Paris is ours... but I can't access the game. I'm not sure what's going on as I can't find the cfc thread for it.

Whomp 07-10-2007 16:34

Tubs the game is down since Firaxis added a patch. I think ID wants to wait till everyone's patched to start the game again.

Here's the thread...

Beorn 07-10-2007 16:49

I just read the rules of the game: it says "there is no rule #5"

So what about you make a treaty with someone, number the treaty rules, make like #4 good for you, #5 good for them, and then refer to the game rules as disabling rule #5 ?

Tubby Rower 25-10-2007 21:48

Couldn't save this message, but I assume that this is appropriate. if not then cover for me and I'll not talk in diplo anymore.

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