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Furiey 27-07-2010 22:15

***SPOILER*** Furiey's Spoiler in Robi's Search for Spoilers.
I'm hijacking a corner of Robi's forum so that he gets my spoiler for this game.

Apart from subbing in various games, this is my first foray into MP, and as my Civ 4 playing is nothing to write home about (except for amusement) don't expect anything spectacular.

The start is nothing spectacular not helped by my city placement, but oh well.

My worker is useless, so I start on Agriculture so I can get some more food to my cities. I did contemplate going for an early religion but a useless worker plus what could be a small crowded map swayed me. The hut by the capitol gave me gold.

Didn't settle my second city until the 2nd turn, really not good (not helped by me mistaking where I settled for a hill), perhaps I should have gone north of the lake.

Furiey 27-07-2010 22:17

Turn 3 and I succumb to taking the next hut with my still useless worker. After what Stapel posted I was expecting barbs. I had the Warrior there to cover but I got Mining!

Spot one of Matix's cities very near my capitol and Azza's scout South of my second city.

That's an interesting tile my Scout is on - Grassland and Floodplain!

Robi D 28-07-2010 11:18

Interesting start, do you have any ideas about who to befriend and who to show the pointy end of the stick.

As for the grass floodplain :o I'm not really sure how i didn't spot or how it happened:confused: but i guess its there so have fun trying to claim it

Lt. Killer M 28-07-2010 13:34

gems early on can be a monster of a research help - now that you have mining :)

Furiey 28-07-2010 23:20

Yes the gems will be a luxury that will be very useful now. Settling north of the lake would have allowed me to make better use of them but oh well.

The diplomacy side is definitely something I am lacking experience in (ie: none at all against people). With what looks like Matrix on one side (Immortals) and Azza on the other (Legionaries) they both have slightly later UU than me. It would be easy to get myself into a situation where I can't actually use my UU on my neighbours. Matrix is very close, but it may be better to try and go for Azza before those Legions hit the scene. This is however a small map with 9 civs, so I don't think it will be long before I meet more.

Furiey 10-08-2010 13:39

I've been meaning to post this since I researched Animal Husbandry. I was obviously hoping for horses within a city's influence, but my initial settler moves put paid to that. Looks like I need to get another city out there before I can get my unique unit.

Lt. Killer M 10-08-2010 19:21

how many turns for your town's influence to expand?

Furiey 10-08-2010 20:40

It's 34/100 at 2 cpt so 33 turns.

SW of the horses would get it straight away, eventually get the marble, and be on the coast, but WSW on the hill would make a better long term city site, also getting the fish, but would need to expand so probably wouldn't get the horses any quicker than waiting for the capitol to expand.

Robi D 11-08-2010 05:56

Another option would be to settle on the plains hill 2 tiles south of the horses, that way you would have the clams for food

Furiey 11-08-2010 09:38

That is another option I had thought of before I saw the fish in the west. However it will also need expansion before it gets the horses.

However, my second city will expand before not too long (monument has been built for a few turns now) and will get the hill to the E of the horses. If I built the city 2S of the horses that would leave the horse tile with culture on 3 side of it - would civ then fill in that tile for me? I know it would have done in civ 3, but 4 doesn't work the same.

Robi D 11-08-2010 10:50

It fills in only if its surrounded iirc

Furiey 13-08-2010 12:49

Well Matrix has a Settler out there. 10 turns for mine.

Furiey 22-08-2010 23:25

Completed Bronze Working and I have a good source of copper already mined by my second city. There is another South of the Horses so 2S of the horses is looking better as the next city site. It will still need border expansion to get the horses though.

Furiey 27-08-2010 14:37

Well I'm an idiot. Here I am working my way to getting horses for my UU chariot when trying to fix the pitboss problems I actually stopped and read what it said about the Celts on the civ login bit. UU = Gallic Swordsman. Bugger.

So not so much panic about the horses and a longer wait for my UU.

Robi D 27-08-2010 15:33

Horses are still more than handy, especially if someone tries to dogpile you with axes

Furiey 27-08-2010 16:20

Yes they are useful. Looks like I am slow in the new city stakes, they appear to be springing up all over. Azza is growing to my east.

Robi D 28-08-2010 03:34

I was just thinking the gallic warrior only need bronze iirc, which you already have hooked up, so instead of competeing with settlers you could build an decent army pretty quickly and get new cities that way too.

Also with the settler I would try pick a position that blocks off access to the peninsular which would make it yours by default to settle when it suits you

Furiey 28-08-2010 11:26

Yes, I thought of the peninsular issue and am going for the hill 2S of the horses. I've got an axe starting in the capitol and there's a spear due soon in the second city (that was swapped automatically from a half built warrior) so will soon have the startings at least of an army.

Furiey 28-08-2010 11:34

Toledo founded

Furiey 28-08-2010 11:38

I still need to research Iron Working to get the Gallic Swordsman even if I don't actually need the iron. That will take me 17 turns or so to finish Fishing and do Iron Working.

Robi D 28-08-2010 12:14

Seems like a good oppertunity to lay down some diplomatic ground work to sort out friend from foe.

Furiey 06-09-2010 20:41

3 turns now to Iron Working and I will get another Settler next turn.

Furiey 07-09-2010 12:24

Well I've got the Settler, unfortunately I've been beaten to the spot by grahmiam

So now have to quickly pick another. I could go and fill in the peninsula, or I could go further out. The Civ suggested spot would keep my gems safe and give a defensive site on a hill, of I could go towards Azza more to cover those spices.

Robi D 07-09-2010 14:45

1 tile SE of the suggested spot would put you on a plains hill and get both gems and spices in the city cross. The only negative is you lose the forest for chopping

Furiey 07-09-2010 15:13

Yes, it would.

4E of my Gems ie: 2E of the Spices, 2S of the gold, 2W of the sugar may also be interesting. I would also give a city to have a go at Azza from or the civ to the N, but also give a city that could nicely be attacked by either/both.

Lt. Killer M 08-09-2010 10:55

Ha, I spot a very nice opportunity with Donovan for doing what I talked about in the PM ;)

Furiey 08-09-2010 15:40

Yes, that's DZ to the NE now...

ESE of the Civ suggested spot would put me in a good position for that although it would miss the gems.

Furiey 08-09-2010 23:58

I have Iron Working and 1, soon to be 2 sources within my borders.

I should not play when I'm feeling so tired though, but I though I had finished my turn earlier then realised I was the only one stopping the turn end. I hadn't finished moving my settler so was looking to see how it would route and misclicked and sent it unprotected to the hill with my scout where I was looking at settling. No falling ceiling or babies were involved. I thibk I now have to let someone else at least move before I move again, but I can't see anyone within the distance so hopefully I can settle before anyone gets to me.

I need more troops and Workers though.

Robi D 09-09-2010 05:19

You have a good view from up on the hill and there are no other settlers in sight so you should be safe.

I see the mongolians have chariots, any sight of keshliks?

Furiey 09-09-2010 10:00

No, no sign of Keshiks, I'll be able to settle this turn and wiill get a spear there next turn so fingers crossed.

No sign of Praets from Azza yet either.

Furiey 09-09-2010 14:38

I've now Settled my 4th city.

I've also noticed that DZ has either scouts or Warriors all around me. He's had one fortified around my second city for a while, that has moved north to the new city. There's also a warrior by the copper in the S and another Scout by my capitol.

I don't know if he has iron working yet and can see where my Iron is, or is just keeping a close eye on me inpreparation generally. But as I don't need Iron to build my Gallic Warriors I think I will avoid conneting it to keep him guessing and keep my GWs out of sight.

Furiey 30-10-2010 11:27

Yikes, I was sure I'd posted a spoiler since September, but obviously not.

I have a 5th city on the peninsula, but am pretty much squashed in by everyone else now.

I have been building Gallic swords (stack is the one in the jungle under the axe by the border), but any plans I might have had have been changed by Azza dropping to AI. I was roading so I could get troops there, but this turn I noticed that Donovan Zoi has declared on Azza. Not sure If I'm too late to pick up any of the cities.

Furiey 01-11-2010 22:57

Got to the city of Y and found a stack of DZ's troops on the hills next to the city. Too late.

Logged in tonight and found he had take the city to the NE and the troops had left Y bar one Axe to the N of the city. I lost 2 Swords attacking the 4 Archers in the city, but it is now mine.

Lt. Killer M 02-11-2010 08:31

awesome - copper, a mined hill, pigs, river, dyes - that is one very well-balanced and -resourced spot.

Robi D 03-11-2010 12:31

do you think you will have a problem with DZ now?

Furiey 04-11-2010 12:17

I hope not. We're talking by PM, and can trade luxuries which is what DZ was after.

I am concerned with Socrlynnec to the N of me (Mongols), he has settled right on my northern border. He wants an open border and peace treaty, I'm not sure that would be in my best interest.

ProPain 04-11-2010 18:38

OMG squares, where are the hexes :)

Furiey 04-11-2010 19:31

Yes, people made so much fuss about moving from squares to hexes and I never worked out why.

Furiey 07-11-2010 14:13

Well grahmiam has taken the next city down of Azza's so things really stop on that front now unless I want to go for cities seperated from my own.

However a far more pressing situation has arisen. Socrylnnek has declared on DZ with not one but 2 SODs. One city has fallen, and I have no illusions about who would be next once DZ falls so supporting DZ would be a good idea, but dealing with that many troops is beyond me...

(Left hand info is stack on hill, righ hand info is stack in city)

Rik Meleet 07-11-2010 22:15

Can't you go at Soc right now, while he is still busy with DZ ?

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