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Beorn 11-10-2005 01:57

What wins baseball games is points !! harrr harr harr

OK so, barbu, where were the Expos in your list, in the "I sympathise those frenchies who hated to see them go?" ;)

barbu1977 11-10-2005 04:28

Hey the Expos will always be my favorite team. So many memories attached to them. Even at the end I was going to around 5 games a year.

BTW, good to see company here. I'm in Brossard, Québec.

romeothemonk 17-10-2005 22:32

[beer1][beer1] Much celebration [beer1][beer1]
Congrats Whomp, your Sox are headed to the WS.
I hope you snag a seat for one of the games.
I hope the Sox win, as you have A.J. Pierzynski, probably my single favorite player. All he does is get in people's heads and help his team win. A.J. was a favorite player of mine when he was on the Twins, and will probably remain so until the end of time.

Put Shoeless Joe in the Hall. One doesn't hit in excess of .350 when throwing the series.

grahamiam 17-10-2005 22:44

It ashame that if the Astros win tonight, they still have to wait for Saturday till the series starts.

barbu1977 17-10-2005 23:02

TV runs the sport. It's also ashame that you have to wait 2 minutes in the midle of a football or hockey game for a tv commercial.

Whomp 17-10-2005 23:20

Thanks everyone. As the Chicago Tribune said "Party like it's 1959". It's been a long time coming.

Actually I have friends from around the country calling ticketmaster at noon CST time tomorrow. The servers in Chicago will be jammed while they are in California, Arizona, NY etc trying to get me tickets. I hope I can see them for one of the games. I must admit it may not be in the Sox interest that I go. I was at the Arizona game when my Wildcats gave up the 15 point lead to Illinois with a minute and a half left and I was at game one for the only loss the Sox had in the ALCS.

What's up with waiting till Saturday to play the World Series? [saiyan]

I think any High School baseball player should study Paul Konerko's swing. He is so quiet with his hands and body and then *BOOM* he explodes on it.

Matrix 18-10-2005 00:00

Late reaction, but thanks, Whomp. :)

akots 18-10-2005 00:59

it is pretty much hysterical here as well. I mean with Astros and tickets and there is only baseball on TV, nothing else. Today they'll actually have a giant screen on a building wall in downtown projecting the game so that those who want to watch it in a company, can enjoy it with about 300,000 other people. That is how many the expect to turn in there tonight. A big day of local restaurants and bars...

Matrix 18-10-2005 02:14

I remember the entire school I was at watched the final of the club world championship of football/soccer in 1995, which Ajax (Dutch club) won. Screens on plaza's are rare though. People who want to watch in a public place go to pubs.

Whomp 18-10-2005 02:34

The White Sox are a southside working man's team. People go to taverns for a shot and a beer. Celebrities have been turned back like John Cusack who is an admitted Chicago Cubs fan so no free tickets. Mayor Daley grew up in the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago so he gets tix.

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